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dman65 Posts: 6

On Australian Vodafone live, i can't see any of the 3g features on my k600i (which i bought off ebay). I don't know what the problem is and any help would be great.
Posted: 2006-05-05 12:28:39
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

is it unbranded/unlocked? Unbranding could be the problem..

btw, welcome to Esato

Posted: 2006-05-05 12:30:23
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dman65 Posts: 6

I'm not sure if it's debranded or unlocked, how would i check? If it helps the seller said they bought it in Hong Kong.
Posted: 2006-05-05 12:31:46
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

This Topic may help you

Posted: 2006-05-05 12:35:08
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dman65 Posts: 6

Thanks, i'm looking through it now.
Posted: 2006-05-05 12:39:45
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

All the best.

Posted: 2006-05-05 12:55:29
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mob453 Posts: 207

if it was meant to be a v600i, you need a phone descriptor tool to change the model name back to v600i from k600i
Posted: 2006-05-06 00:30:34
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

The Vodafone wap site checks to see what phone you are using to see if it can use the 3G services. The K600i is not on their list as they sold their own version, the V600i. You need to make your phone into a V600i for it to be able to use Vodafones 3G Live services. Its silly really but it is Vodafones way of ensuring that you use one of their handsets.
Posted: 2006-05-06 00:52:51
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dman65 Posts: 6

so, would i have to get v600i firmware or is there a way to trick it? Where i get a phone descriptor tool from?
Posted: 2006-05-07 08:40:52
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fatreg Posts: > 500

you need to flash it from like or

Posted: 2006-05-07 10:54:05
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