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> mabel
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does ne1 no how to change the cover on the t68i, and also can ne1 tell me how u name the tracks on the t68i mp3 player? thanx
Posted: 2002-10-12 22:01:00
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Posted: 2002-10-12 22:03:00
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but u run the risk of loosing your warranty.....beware...u were warned!!!
Posted: 2002-10-13 17:20:00
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You will sure loose your warranty
Posted: 2002-10-14 15:45:00
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To change the cover, you need to buy a Torx 6 (T6) screwdriver to take out the four screws from the back. Remove the battery, remove the sim card, then remove the antenna shield. Now remove the 4 screws on the back with the screwdriver. The faceplate now comes off, and you need to move the vibrator and mouthpiece over to the new faceplate (it's pretty easy) and just reverse everything to put it all back together. It WILL void your warranty, but if you ever need to take the phone in to get serviced, just put the original faceplate back on, and they'll never know the difference.
Posted: 2002-10-14 15:49:00
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