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> K610i short review
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I only received this little thingy a few hours ago. Here are my first impressions:
Body, design:
It combines the best design elements of the k750i and the K600i, and for size, it falls exactly between the two. Having said that, it feels more dense or substantial than the K600. This one is "urban red" in SE lingo, which is just fine with me, but those with an extremely strong masculine ego would - and maybe should - probably choose the silver verson, which is actually a nice dark(ish) grey. The keypad - though fairly small - is good enough for short texting. The side keys and rocker switches, however, are small, thin and recessed in the body, thus fairly difficult to press. Then again, this may not be a design flaw but a deliberate choice, to show that this phone is primarily just that, not a camera or a music player. The tiny green blinking status LED is with us again on the top of the phone. (I missed this ever since it was discontinued probably after the T68, and only came back with the K600). The connector at the bottom is the K750i type, but the phone comes with PC connection cable as well, so no problem there, unless you're short on USB ports. The function buttons are a bit cramped and it takes some attention not to hit the wrong one. The D-pad (gone is the five-way joystick) is just as easy to use as the joystick, no difference here.
Display, menu:
Same 176*220 display as the K600 or K750, maybe a tad brighter, but that's just a subjective impression. The menu is by and large unchanged from the aforementioned other two, with some minor cosmetic changes in the icons, which are somewhat larger - as are the display letters - so probably more friendly for those of us with less than perfect eyesight. The menu has a nice little addition, in the settings/update section, where you can look up the software version without having to use the silly left-right-star key sequence. (It is still available, though, for service tests and such.)
Same as the K750i, except that the lack of autofocus makes for poor macro pictures.
Didn't try the USB connection, because this is a pre-production model with a beta software and SE people advised against it, but transferring files and phonebook (with pictures) from a K600i via Bluetooth went without a hitch. It has no infrared port. Internet (wap) access is fairly fast.
Calls, etc:
3G reception is good, although I couldn't yet try the video call because none of the people I know has a 3G phone with video capability. Sound quality is probably better than on the previous two models, but at least on par.
The two Java apps in this - I have to stress, pre-production - model are next to useless: FaceWarp, which does just what it says with your buddy's mugshot: distorts in some supposedly funny ways. Photo Mate is just a photo tutorial, and a pretty basic one at that.
Bottom line:
For the past six months I've been alternatively using three phones, depending on my mood and the day's needs: a K600, a K750i and a Nokia 6230i. The K610i combines all the best features of these three and I will be very sad when the day comes when I must return this one to SE, and will have to wait for it to appear on the market.
[ This Message was edited by: Dénes on 2006-05-27 08:13 ]
Posted: 2006-05-24 19:57:49
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im attracted with its simple but elegant design..
its dimensions, a small 3g phone...
its really wow if its free from bugs....
Posted: 2006-05-24 20:34:38
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Nice review although the K610 is not exactly on my radar.
This message was posted from a P910
Posted: 2006-05-24 21:01:38
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Interesting review, thanks.
Sounds like this would be the phone for me, but I can't do without FM radio. There really isn't one in?
Posted: 2006-05-24 21:19:40
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No, I'm afraid no radio.
Posted: 2006-05-24 21:24:42
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Superluminova Posts: > 500
Is there any chance of some pictures? as i really like the sound of this phone
Posted: 2006-05-24 21:42:29
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Nice review!
Really would have liked the phone if it wasn't for the lack of flash and a radio. The removal of flash was silly and the exclusion of the radio for the networks to promote virtual radio was insensitive to us, to users!
Otherwise a really nice small phone (smaller than the K750, but taller by 2mm) with a heap of functions.
Posted: 2006-05-25 09:33:10
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To Superluminova: I'll try to post some pics tonite, if I get around to it. But the official SE pics are in no way misleading.
Posted: 2006-05-25 12:17:29
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Im definatly getting that beauty. Love the look and looks solid!! Shame the release date is ages way
Please more pics as real life ones look alot better
Posted: 2006-06-06 16:16:42
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nah i'm not getting - it looks really good, it just misses the kinda retro look of the k600i/v600i

- but if i want a real retro phone i get out me /// t18

Posted: 2006-06-06 17:06:13
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