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> K800 Night Videos
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Hi guys n girls,
OK, I'm currently debating between a K800 (£70) or an N80 (£130), now having owned an N80 for two wks, and then returning it for none technical reasons, I've seen the quality of the N80 at night, and it ain't upo to much.
Can somebody please post some night pictures and especially night videos from the K800, as I really want to see the difference. Pictures matter on a phone, but I like videos.....
So somebody please help!
Posted: 2006-07-11 02:09:35
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I'm just curious, why do you need to shot videos in dark lit areas?
Posted: 2006-07-11 03:42:17
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Residentevil Posts: > 500
Especially with a camera phone. What are you up to?
Posted: 2006-07-11 03:53:45
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Nothing that I think you're trying to imply, but as a student, I do tend to do the student thing of a weekday/end and get rather raasbostingly wasted and take videos when I'm out, usually tell me more about a night than pix... Thats all, I really just wanted to know what night videos are like in comparison to the K750 and the N80, having owned both...
Posted: 2006-07-11 13:31:16
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DickySnapples Posts: > 500
I would think the k800 would be poor with night videos.
as it has a proper flash, not a light like previous models, so you'll just get a flash at the beginning of the video,then darkness
Posted: 2006-07-14 01:10:00
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the k800 has a night mode BUT no ilumination via any kind of light beit the xeon flash of the red filtering led.
both phones will be poor in dark situations, so taking nughty videos of big boobed birds on the dance floor below will be pointless on both phones

[ This Message was edited by: karl.othen on 2006-07-14 00:21 ]
Posted: 2006-07-14 01:21:17
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DickySnapples Posts: > 500
On 2006-07-14 01:21:17, karl.othen wrote:
the k800 has a night mode BUT no ilumination via any kind of light beit the xeon flash of the red filtering led.
both phones will be poor in dark situations, so taking nughty videos of big boobed birds on the dance floor below will be pointless on both phones
[ This Message was edited by: karl.othen on 2006-07-14 00:21 ]
Posted: 2006-07-14 01:25:00
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