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teapea Posts: 28

ok, bear with me on this one, i'm quite new, and cannot find the answer anywhere else.

i don't think my phone is using 3G to access vodafone live services, like mobile tv etc - and want to know how to change it.

i have the option of turning on or off the 3G service, so i can have 3G and GSM, or GSM only. turning on 3G means i get the little red 3G symbol on the title bar.

if i then go to vodafone live, i get the small globe appear (to indicate i'm online) with a tiny G symbol in the bottom right, which to me indicated i'm using GPRS to connect with. if i go to the broswer status it says i'm using profile "Contract WAP" which in turn is connected via "Contract WAP" data service. so to me, this indicated i'm connected to voda live using GPRS and not 3G.

if i then go to mobile TV - it's very slow and stuttery and unwatchable.

ok, now if i turn off 3G and say use GSM only, then go to vodafone live! EXACTLY the same thing happens. i can still access mobile TV and it's still as slow. the globe and tiny G symbol appear and it's still using "Contract WAP"

so... how do i make my phone use 3G for data rather than GPRS?

Posted: 2006-07-28 13:11:10
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Marly Posts: > 500

Maybe there's poor UMTS coverage where you live (or none at all) ? This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2006-07-28 13:18:16
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teapea Posts: 28

this is all vodafone could suggest when i called them. (then again i think i totally confused them, which isn't that hard)

however i'm in the centre of a 3g area according to their coverage map, and i do get the 3G symbol telling me i have a 3G signal, so i don't believe this is the issue.

i am however going to london this weekend which i know has a great 3G signal so i'll try it there.
Posted: 2006-07-28 13:28:47
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

On 2006-07-28 13:11:10, teapea wrote:

i don't think my phone is using 3G to access vodafone live services, like mobile tv etc - and want to know how to change it.

i have the option of turning on or off the 3G service, so i can have 3G and GSM, or GSM only. turning on 3G means i get the little red 3G symbol on the title bar.

If you are within 3G coverage and have the handset set to 3G & GSM then the handset should automatically use the 3G signal when accessing WAP/the internet.

if i then go to vodafone live, i get the small globe appear (to indicate i'm online) with a tiny G symbol in the bottom right, which to me indicated i'm using GPRS to connect with. if i go to the broswer status it says i'm using profile "Contract WAP" which in turn is connected via "Contract WAP" data service. so to me, this indicated i'm connected to voda live using GPRS and not 3G.

A small globe symbol should appear when you are connected whether you are using a 3G signal or a 2.5G signal I believe.

The account you use to connect to the internet will be the same irrespective of whether the handset is connected through 3G or 2.5G. You are charged the same for the data you use whether it is downloaded quickly via 3G or more slowly via 2.5G.

If you want to reset your handset's data accounts then you can delete them and send yourself the various settings from the SE website.

if i then go to mobile TV - it's very slow and stuttery and unwatchable.

This could be due to either poor 3G coverage or a high demand for Vodafone's mobile TV service. Since Voda's telly service is a streamed service it can be slowed down if large numbers of people are accessing it at the same time.

Accessing the telly service in GSM only mode will almost certainly produce poor results. When you are accessing the telly service, do you have a 3G signal? If so then it the poor performance might be due to network congestion.
Posted: 2006-07-31 15:24:43
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kully Posts: 17

Does anyone know what the two globe icons mean? One has a red G, the other has a grey G.
Posted: 2006-08-10 09:34:00
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altemyr Posts: > 500

On 2006-08-10 09:34:00, kully wrote:
Does anyone know what the two globe icons mean? One has a red G, the other has a grey G.

Those icons must be Vodafone branding specific, I have never seen them on my (unbranded) K800. I have a green globe without letters, and occasionally, I think it is when the receptionis poor or when it is aboout to disconnect, it turns to a grey globe without letters. I have not seen a red 3G icon either, mine is a pale blue square and contains something that looks like a raindrop.

It's a pity that the manual does not contain an icon legend.
Posted: 2006-08-10 10:06:20
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kully Posts: 17

It's a pity that the manual does not contain an icon legend.

True. I have looked at the generic manual online and it has some status bar icons explained. The voda one has nothing.
Posted: 2006-08-10 10:28:47
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danhamilt1 Posts: 2

I am on vodafone with the same phone and my mobile tv doesnt work very well with a low 3g reception which is understandable. but i find when i have a good 3g connection i have to wait about a minute for the streaming to become smooth. It always starts off bad but it kind of "warms" up after that minute.
Try waiting for a bit and see if it becomes smoother. I originally thought the same about it using a gsm signal but then i left it for a bit thinking maybe it buffers like a pc. and it worked!
give it a go and i hope it solves the problem.

[ This Message was edited by: danhamilt1 on 2006-08-12 19:14 ]
Posted: 2006-08-12 20:09:38
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voda_jon Posts: > 500

ok heres some answers...

1. GPRS is GPRS whether u r on 3G or not... all 3G is is a technology... Its STILL GPRS whether u r on 3G or not!

2. Vodafone Live! wont let u start the TV streaming if u r outside of 3G coverage as it wont work.

3. The red G means GPRS is connected... The grey one means its disconnecting from the network.

4. The TV service is slow to begin wit as it buffers the stream coming in so it becomes smooth eventually.

and finally... each channel has a limited number of viewers per channel. Once this limit is reached or neared the channel becomes locked out until someone leaves. this can also cause the channel to become sluggish and non responsive... This is apparent with the very popular channels.

hope this helps clear that up.

Posted: 2006-08-20 20:39:01
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danhamilt1 Posts: 2

The Mobile TV does connect in 3g......well it does for me....but its hardly even worth trying because its not watchable. just comes up with a grey screen and u hear them say a few words everyso often
Posted: 2006-08-23 00:53:13
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