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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : Telenor 3G in Sweden
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harryville Posts: 146

Just got lumbered with a large bill from Telenor after I tried their 3g TV service.

Problem was that they had sent me the wrong APN for the Data comm. they sent using the OTA instructions.

I had

Should have been

Without the new APN details, you get charged for everything that you use. They charge it as if you have downloaded it!!!

Check this out otherwise it gets very coslty for the stuff you watch / use!!!
Posted: 2006-07-31 16:38:12
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maki101 Posts: 207

Ups, today Telenor buy 100% of one of the network in my country Serbia,
hope that is good,
What is your experience abouth it rather than this?
Posted: 2006-07-31 16:46:56
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harryville Posts: 146

Well actually not much as Telenor just recently bought the Vodafone business here in Sweden.

but so far it is ok..except for the above problem
Posted: 2006-07-31 22:35:53
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harryville Posts: 146

It was also the Streaming settings that they had set incorrectly - which meant that everything that I watched, I was paying for at 15SEK / MB.

Please check that they are ok otherwise it get costly!!
Posted: 2006-08-01 16:22:21
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trance Posts: 317

how much did they charge you?
Posted: 2006-08-02 11:23:55
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harryville Posts: 146

you might not think that it is large, but over 2 days they charged me for 45MB.

Havent used the service since then as Im still being charged for all that I watch!!!!
Posted: 2006-08-02 12:43:04
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