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reeza Posts: 58

Hi Guys & Girls.

I've purchased a SE K800i and have upgraded my sim and account to 3G with Telstra. The phone is working fine on there 3G network except this one problem. With all the correct settings on my side and on Telstra's side every time I try to access WAP it loads up the old 2.5G portal instead of the 3G portal (Bigpond Mobile Internet)

As Telstra don't currently have the K800i it's hard to get too much support form them. Has anyone here got a K800i on Telstra and is able to access the 3G portal?

I've tried my sim in my friends phone (Moto V3x) and the 3G portal loads fine, so I'm left to believe that it's not my account with Telstra stopping me. Looks like either there is something I'm missing or Telstra's 3G portal doesn't detect the K800i as 3G and redirects to the 2.5G.



Posted: 2006-08-07 03:58:27
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lovewalrus Posts: 480

Sounds like there special 3G portal has a IMEI recognition system running-meaning if you phone's IMEI range isn't on there database, you don't get access! This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2006-08-07 06:42:28
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jasond Posts: 408

Fingers crossed when the phone is officaly supported this issue clears itself up.

This will be my exact phone+network combo in the coming weeks so I'm behind you all the way!

How did you end up getting the phone?

Currently only 3 and Voda have their crap branded versions. Crazy John's & Telstra keep giving me the run-around saying 'only one more week.'

In the end I called the Crazy John's warehouse direct (last week) who said the phone had been ordered by Telstra and would give it only a few more days to arrive.
Posted: 2006-08-07 07:49:40
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reeza Posts: 58

I got an HK import at a local shop in Melbourne. So it's unbranded and generic firmware and a hell of a lot cheaper then Telstra would do it for (just guessing based on past Telstra sales)

The phone is fantastic and works well with Telstra, it's just the internet browsing portal problem. I guess it's not a problem if you don't want the Telstra streaming media stuff and normal surfing is at top speed for anything else.

But I'll keep trying to work out why it's not working.

Posted: 2006-08-07 08:06:04
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Bob Adams Posts: 13

Hi all,

a little bit off topic but I was in the market for a K800 but after a lot of fobbing off by the Telstra shops saying real soon now I went for the W810 thinking taht maybe Telstra if they are selling an EDGE phone would somehow put in an EDGE network as well???!!!! But I'm not disappointed if they dont the 810 is great. And it is set up perfectly the Bigpond works fairly well for me so I dont have any real complaints

Posted: 2006-08-07 09:26:33
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lovewalrus Posts: 480

Have you tried askin your friend if the home page web address is the same on his phone as you've inputted on your phone? On T-Mobile in the uk it's different for the web and wap browser! This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2006-08-07 09:54:45
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>500 Posts: > 500

the phone is on the telstra website, no pics though, just specs. I too got mine from hk, ebay though, unbranded. I have telstra also, my internet is working fine, but i dont have 3g sim. as someone said above, once the phone is actually released, it should work.
Though as jasond said its being delivered in a few days, then they would have done all of their network tests etc so dont see why it shouldnt be working. Or maybe it could be a firmware prob, as you have china firmware telstras may only work properly (3g) on aust firmware, i dont know though............
Posted: 2006-08-07 10:06:29
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jasond Posts: 408

On 2006-08-07 08:06:04, reeza wrote:
I got an HK import at a local shop in Melbourne.

Does is have a flush Quickshare logo, or a Quickshare sticker?
HK build quality ok? And how do you go with warranty and service?
Apologies if off topic, but this may well be a solution to my Crazy John's problems.

PS: You're right, the K800 on Telstra (Crazy John's) is $AU879. I would expect direct from a Telstra shop to be even more inflated.
T65> K700i> K750i> Mars.

[ This Message was edited by: jasond on 2006-08-07 09:22 ]
Posted: 2006-08-07 10:07:17
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>500 Posts: > 500

On 2006-08-07 10:07:17, jasond wrote:
On 2006-08-07 08:06:04, reeza wrote:
I got an HK import at a local shop in Melbourne.

Does is have a flush Quickshare logo, or a Quickshare sticker?
HK build quality ok? And how do you go with warranty and service?
Apologies if off topic, but this may well be a solution to my Crazy John's problems.

PS: You're right, the K800 on Telstra (Crazy John's) is $AU879. I would expect direct from a Telstra shop to be even more inflated.
T65> K700i> K750i> Mars.

[ This Message was edited by: jasond on 2006-08-07 09:22 ]

i got mine from ebay, hk seller, for $730 including 1gb m2 stick.

I didnt get a manufacturers warranty, i doubt reeza would have, as its a hk version, warranty wouldnt be valid here any way. and i assume its probably cybershot logo, as both of ours are hk versions, build quality is great, same as every where else.....but just wait for reeza to confirm this for you

[ This Message was edited by: ads1107 on 2006-08-07 09:30 ]
Posted: 2006-08-07 10:26:08
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jasond Posts: 408

Thanks ads, that's a good price to include M2.

RE: Cybershot, I was more referring to the two different facias of the K800 (one with an actual sticker of Cybershot (as per your avatar), and one with the logo seemlessly part of the screen border (seen on the SE website main page, I think).
Posted: 2006-08-07 10:39:35
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