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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Tips and tricks : newbie question...
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spree2x Posts: 12

wassup y'all...
im a totally new proud t68i owner, and im syked i found this site!
i have a few simple questions for a kind peep out there that can help a brutha out with my phone..
first, i am looking through some posts, and see there are times when directions are given about what buttons to push for certain functions or whatever...
is there a thread anywhere that explains the symbols ( like etc...)..

also..i feel like a dummy..but i cant even figure out how to get ring tones or pics etc downloaded to my phone..anyone help me out??

ansd finally..just figured there are some cool tricks that everyone knows that can be thrown my way..wanna hook this bad boy up to its fullest...

thanks in advance to anyone that can help!!!
Posted: 2002-10-25 04:49:00
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decoy7 Posts: > 500

New to Esato?


> = push joystick right
Posted: 2002-10-25 05:00:00
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spree2x Posts: 12

there are a bunch of other action symbols..that ive seen...right??
Posted: 2002-10-25 05:08:00
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shithappens Posts: > 500


those symbols are probably refering to how u can access the service menu where u can check total call time, SW version can be access as follows:

Hope this helps!!
Posted: 2002-10-25 07:36:00
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