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Regional : Europe, Middle East and Africa : Unable to find T68i when using XP + IR
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mikeland Posts: 0

I used to run Windows 2000, and then the IR communication with my T68i functionated flowlessly.
Now ive upgraded my opsys to windows XP.
No matter what i install, the computer doesent find my phone when ive place the IR eyes facing eachoter, IR mode ON.
Have anyone experienced the same problem?

Im using:
- Notebook with build in IR
- T68i
- Windows XP

Posted: 2002-10-26 22:50:00
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Fahed_2000 Posts: > 500

I have windows xp for sometime, it works just fine (never got a problem) it could be that your ir device isn't functioning or the appropriot driver isn't installed, in other works it doesn't detect anything else
Posted: 2002-10-26 23:32:00
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nixnut Posts: 38

When you go to my weblog you'll find a step by step installationguide at one of the posts that will guide you through the setup. when needed I'll translate it to english ore france
good luck

Posted: 2002-10-29 19:56:00
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