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> Nokia N71 Review
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I got this phone yesterday. Box contained 128MB card, 3.5mm connector, headphones, CD and the phone.
First feelings; its a big phone, but when closed, fits the hands perfectly. Weight is a little on the high side(139g), but feels very right in the hands. Doesnt cause any discomfort because of its size or weight. It isnt all that wide, not enough to cause problems when in the pocket.
External screen isnt that impressive, very grainy, but does what its suppose to, and that is to tell the time and the caller info. Its legible under decent light conditions, but not under sunlight(clock is however still visible). It also displays the current song info if you have one running.
Opening mechanism is on the hard side. You cant do it with one hand, need to use both. Inside, the keypad is a little crammed, but will get used to it. D-Pad is also a little small than usual. However, the main attraction is the screen. Measuring 2.4'' diagonally, and 36x49 makes it the current largest screen ever on a hardscreen phone. N73 has a 36x48 screen. QVGA resolution makes for a fantastic screen, smooth and vivid colors. Even the pics I took from my W800 which didnt look good on it look mind blowingly sharp and clear on it. Smooth fonts really add to the brilliant experience looking at this screen.
Operating system and GUI is the same as any nokia. Its a lot faster than the previous versions, but compared to SE, still lags, but not to an extent that its a pain! Fonts and icons are clear and smoothly rendered.
One thing that i'd like to make crystal clear to anyone reading is that the music quality of N71 is simply put: excellent! Being a normal human being who listens to a lot of songs, I failed to notice any different between this and W800 using W800's earphones(HPM-70). Plus, it doesnt hiss at all! I know there HAS to be some sort of difference, but if you just listen to the damn song, its simply not noticable. There are no external keys to control music, expect one on the outside which pauses it and resumes it. Music player is the same as in 3250 and N73 etc.
Battery time is also very very decent. Its been 24hours since I charged it. Sent some SMS, 10-15min calls, heavy GPRS usage and general phone use and only one bar less on the meter.
All in all its a fantastic phone. Very solid and very durable. Didnt hear any creaks or cracks. Will post its pics soon with camera pics aswell.
One problem I faced was that taking the memory card out was a pain! First I thought it was stuck and i'd have to return it, but to take it out, serious force needs to be applied.
[ This Message was edited by: QVGA on 2006-09-14 18:32 ]
[ This Message was edited by: QVGA on 2006-09-16 16:15 ]
Posted: 2006-09-14 19:29:20
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nice job

how do u like that funny battery cover solution?
Posted: 2006-09-14 19:32:17
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Hehe, yeah that took me by surprise a little.
Posted: 2006-09-14 19:34:13
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i dont really get the reason for that solution... how do u like the screen? i might be wrong, but its not that "clear" like n80 or e50 for example. if n80 is 100% then n71 is 90%
Posted: 2006-09-14 19:41:42
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The reason for E50 might be because its small and same resolution, meaning more pixels per unit area. Same applies for N80.
But N71 is by no means behind, I am really enjoying it.
Posted: 2006-09-14 19:46:17
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did u got used to the keypad? i couldnt decide if i like it or not. did it came with 128mb card?
Posted: 2006-09-14 19:53:18
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I've gotten used it, but still not 100%. Yes it came with the card, it was already in the phone, and it was mighty difficult to take it out.
Screen is prone to scratches, I have a teeny tiny dot on my screen.
Posted: 2006-09-15 10:47:11
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weird, that nokia didnt put on n71 that great screenprotector what they usually do on the symbians
Posted: 2006-09-16 10:43:15
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Yeah i was surprised too, it has a fantastic one on the small screen and on the lens aswell, but not on the main screen.
Posted: 2006-09-16 11:36:36
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any possibility to attach picture of N71?
Posted: 2006-09-16 12:39:30
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