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doc_othan Posts: 20

i've had a SE k600i and a HTC tanager for both smart and sun respectively. but my tanager conked out and been looking for a replacement and i just can't decide which between a k610i and V3x should i get. by the way i saw a red k610 in a telecom shop earlier, but then i also liked the orange V3x

thanks in advance for advices
Posted: 2006-09-30 16:46:24
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

k610. more features and great support, just look at esato!

This message was posted from a E50-1
Posted: 2006-09-30 17:25:18
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QVGA Posts: > 500

Though the V3x is better looking with better screen, the UI is bad enough for you to stay away from it.
Posted: 2006-09-30 18:03:32
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doc_othan Posts: 20

i had this sad experiences with my k600i. it has avery low speaker and i wouldn't even know i have a call when it rings (so i used the vibra to know i have a message or cell), and twice the phone went dead after i turned it off and on, the fixers said the files are corrupt, and i always end up losing my contacts. can somebody here help me as to how am i gonna copy my contacts to my pc?


Posted: 2006-09-30 18:14:39
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night_66 Posts: 202

We are talking about K610i not K600 ..

K610i is a great 3G phone with alot of functions beside the look and the support .. and even the price. .

Strongly recommend you to buy K610i ..
Posted: 2006-10-01 00:57:00
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brook1stone Posts: 107

i would recomend the s.e just because morarolas r crap
Posted: 2006-10-01 01:00:11
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doc_othan Posts: 20

what i mean is that does k610 have same volume problem with k600? and does the os not easily corrupted? its really bothersome to have all your contacts retyped or worse lost
Posted: 2006-10-01 03:47:43
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*Jojo* Posts: > 500

@doc - I was opting for the V3X too . . . though I heard about it's POOR battery life If ever you want a NEWER model of the K6-series (K600/K610/K618i) . . . better get the K618i then I liked the look of the W810i, so I got this model - 3G . . . the illuminating JOYSTICK is a FIRST that I have seen with fones . . . lately. Got mine in a grey market shop for only Php 13K (same price with the V3X though . . .) - brand new.

Good Luck!
Posted: 2006-10-01 03:58:24
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qwerty12 Posts: 262

I recommend the SE because Moto's have such annoyances such as if you want to be discoverable in bluetooth you have to always press find me and the other person has a minute to find you. Where as on a SE you have the option of hiding or showing the phone alltogether. Its annoying things which add up.
Posted: 2006-10-01 08:33:52
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

the only pro of moto is the nice high res screen

This message was posted from a E50-1
Posted: 2006-10-01 08:58:45
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