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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : 3G speed
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stefano6310 Posts: 4

Hi, I set my K600I for GPRS connection, everything works fine (wap, streaming, pc connection). The problem I have is when I use the phone to connect the pc to internet, the connection speed is not faster than my old phone (GPRS only, no 3G feature). My opinion is that I'm connected trought GPRS and not by 3G/UMTS. The phone menu don't permits to choose GRPS/3G connection, Sony ericsson says that K600I set automatically the 3G modem, the provider (TIM-Italy) don't have an alternative setting for 3G. Somebody have experience with this situation ?
thanks for your help/suggestion.
Posted: 2006-10-14 15:10:30
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Kimi Posts: 293

How do you connect your phone to the PC? If by USB, then that will slow it down, because the K600 does not have the new FastPort and so the connection in fact is serial speed, so about 115'000kBit/s.
If you use Bluetooth or irDA it should be fine. But you have to check if the UMTS-reception indicator is active on the phone (the light-blue spiral like thing just right of the GPRS indicator). You cannot configure anything - if there is a UMTS signal available the phone will lock into it.
Posted: 2006-10-16 09:49:27
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stefano6310 Posts: 4

Dear Kimi,
Yes, I'm in an area served by 3G signal. I tried with cable and Irda connection but i have not speed difference. In both situations the internet response is not too different from a standard dial-up phone connection, I was waiting a 'big' speed difference: 56 kbitps (GPRS or dial up) --- 348 kbitps (3G/UMTS) !!!. If no additional settings are required, may be that the problem is caused by the provider (Telecom Italia Mobile).
Thank you for your attention.

[ This Message was edited by: stefano6310 on 2006-10-16 22:10 ]
Posted: 2006-10-16 23:09:55
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Kimi Posts: 293

Maybe your notebook is using a "generic" modem driver. Those cannot exceed 115kBit/s. What speed is indicated by the connection symbol in the taskbar, the moment you connect?
Posted: 2006-10-17 14:40:48
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harry23419 Posts: 249

just download all the modem drivers for k600 the paste them in windows system32 folder
then make a new connection deleting all the older connections
nd in settings select the maximum speed
my edge network works fine

nd install all the necessary drivers for usb fast port for pc
Posted: 2006-10-17 16:03:13
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Kimi Posts: 293

I thought the K600 does not have a fastport connector - or does it?
Posted: 2006-10-17 16:56:02
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harry23419 Posts: 249

yea i forgot k600 doesnt support dcu 60 cable
u hav to find som alternate cable supporting fast port
Posted: 2006-10-18 11:54:03
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stefano6310 Posts: 4

I'm in trouble with my job, sooner i can, I will make some test.
I undertstand I have to work on modem/irda drivers an so on.
You will be informed. Thanks for your help.
Posted: 2006-10-18 18:43:31
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stefano6310 Posts: 4

Hi, sorry for my late in answering but I was very busy with my job.
The modem (USB or IrDa) I use is the Sony Ericcson type (reinstalled also).
The speed that is indicated by the connection symbol in the taskbar is 921.600, but this depends by the speed I choose on the connection propertyes and is not the true speed connection.
On the modem propertyes the maximum speed connection available is 115.200.
May be that I'm making something wrong but I dont understand what..
At the present I will use this connection, waiting for some new idea!
Thanks for your attention.
Posted: 2006-10-21 18:54:19
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