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> SE Z550i
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Any tips and tricks 4 the Z550i I have it and love it.
also any questions about it feel free to ask.
[ This Message was edited by: SE4NICK on 2006-12-29 01:00 ]
Posted: 2006-12-29 01:57:38
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Just a couple of questions where did you get it and how much was it
This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2006-12-30 03:01:35
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just press and hold the
C key and you will be in a silent mode.
not a good trick.!!!!!?
well i can not give a trick better than this. i dont hav a z550.
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[ This Message was edited by: ajeetpv on 2006-12-30 03:19 ]
Posted: 2006-12-30 04:17:00
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you guys also upgrading to Z558?
Posted: 2006-12-30 08:53:27
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There are already 2 links regarding this phone
Posted: 2006-12-30 13:41:35
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David1975 I got my Z550 of ebay brand new unlocked as well it was $177 Aus.
but in Australia you can get it from vodafone shop, dicksmith, and places that stock vodafone. All are $199 Aus BTW ive heard rumurs its coming down to $179 Aus soon. Shhh
I can give you the name of the seller and the name of the ebay shop i got it from if you like just ask. It is a good shop my Z550 is fine an i had it for 2 months now.
Also there is no way im upgrading to the Z558 i mean who wants a touch screen flip phone ive seen pics of this fidly sliver of plastic ment to be a stylus lol. SE you failed on that phone.
Ajeevpv you actually hold the # button to turn on silent or press of then scroll down to turn on silent.
[ This Message was edited by: SE4NICK on 2007-01-01 06:08 ]
[ This Message was edited by: SE4NICK on 2007-01-01 06:11 ]
Posted: 2007-01-01 07:07:30
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What games did any ones Z550i come with?
mine had quadrapop blackjack and a puzzle game
Posted: 2007-01-04 10:17:34
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hey there is a small question to you..........
i would like to check the installed files....like the games which are in z550 are in .jar format so i would like to send it to another mobile via. BLUETOOTH but the files willn't be visible why?
and how to send the Installed onces.......can you help me..........
Posted: 2007-11-17 05:14:38
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YOu cant send installed apps
LOL this old thread....opened back when i was new...
Posted: 2007-11-17 08:35:30
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