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x4p3gsu Posts: 2


I have a brand new (2 weeks old) K610i and am very happy with it apart from the following problem:

Once in a while - unpredictable - I will have the other party that I talk with using my bluetooth headset complain about a very terrible background noise (they describe it like a wind storm or the car window open on a highway). The noise happens even in a closed quiet room with absolutely no background noise that would explain the problem.

I can hear the other party with no noise at all - and I have verified the problem by calling my office and leaving a message on the voiceamail - and sure enough - there is a terrible extremely loud background sound which pretty much does not allow my voice to go through.

A restart of the phone solves the problem.

I have had this problem with the SE HBH-662 BT headset, the HBH-660 headset and now with my new Samsung WEP-200 headset. The headsets are working perfectly with my nokia 6210i phone with no noise.

Also, when I have the noise problem if I transfer the call to my phone by switching the headset off - then the other party immediately says that the noise is gone.

As I said before - the problem happends once every 3 days or so... but it's very annoying.

Any idea?

Posted: 2007-01-14 19:43:49
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