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> Nokia E90 small review
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hi all i just tried yesterday the new nokia e90 for about 1 hour and beleive me i was little bit dissapointed first it's havier than you think the sound is very low compared to the previous communicators especially when you open it to continue a converation with the loud speaker it has the same software as the n95 and e61i that i also tried a week ago the external screen is off corse more helpfull than before but to my surprise it's smaller than expected but it has everything if per exemple you are browsing the net inside and you close it you will have the same display outside the moment you close the phone what i didn't like also the opening mechanism it is little bit awful to open it 90 degree you have to adjust it twice, beside all those negative points the phone is fast and multitasking is perfect much better tham my p990 which i'am about to sell but unfortunately no one wants to buy it.
Posted: 2007-04-13 06:30:00
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Can u play full screen video? how about music player?
Do ět have video out?
Posted: 2007-04-13 06:52:00
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I didnt try the video yet but i gess it is the same as n95 and e61i no full screen as the p990i i will try it today the music player is average less than expected
Posted: 2007-04-13 07:08:00
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what batt comes with, the 1500 mah one?
Posted: 2007-04-13 09:25:18
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On 2007-04-13 06:52:00, nokiamaniax wrote:
Can u play full screen video? how about music player?
Do ět have video out?
"full screen"??? In THAT format?
Posted: 2007-04-13 09:28:31
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can i just say b4 everyone jumps on the wagon...
Dont forget that the N95's sound and camera and capabilities where rubbish until the final production firmware was put on it so hold out ur thoughts!!!
I've played with one and the one i had for 3 weeks was amazin!!! Sound quality was good (dont forget that this phone is for business ppl mainly who dont care about how LOUD the speaker is for music!), camera is similiar to N73 quality but doesnt have the same software for managing it!
Thats my little rant over with as i dont like ppl playing with proto phones an then slating it because some things r not as good as other phones!!! This is a communicator not a camera specific phone or music centralised phone! Its meant for business...
Posted: 2007-04-13 10:37:08
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take it easy mr voda i've tried all the three phonesthat i mentioned before n95 e61i & e90 and they were all prototype yes u can compare e90 with the othes becau they have the same symbian version and sotware so there's nothing special in e90 rather than the keybord and of corse the screen is slightly bigger than the e90 one adding to that what i said about the sound it was purely business because i had a 9500,9300 and 9300i the beauty of these phones is that whenyou are working on internet or any document inside you can receive a call and speak in speaker phone mode and continue your work or if you were on the phone and you need to find information inside you just open the phone and the sound directly switch to speaker phone i mean a loud sound which is totally diffrent than e90 so the sound also important for businesses users i hope that the final version will be differente but the only advantage i saw in the s60 for the communicators is the ability to openanything from outside but i miss the s80 that distinguished these phones so now i'm thinking of the n95 since it has all but in a small screen and when i want a bigger one i can connect it to my tv,pc....
Posted: 2007-04-13 12:52:00
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that high res 16m screen must be awesome
imo in 9300 size it would have been better
Posted: 2007-04-13 14:15:18
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This may well be your opinion and of course you are entitled to it but many others that actually have pre release units on a permanent basis have a much better opinion of it than you do after just 1 hour. The rest of us mere mortals will just have to wait for release to see one way or the other.
But without a doubt this device is aimed at the business market first and foremost.
Posted: 2007-04-13 14:35:13
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My friend the size is little bit bigger than expected and the phone is somehow heavy but indeed the screen is marvelous.
Posted: 2007-04-13 14:36:00
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