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> My Nokia N95 review! -
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I must say that I'm impressed - the N95 is great! Never thought I would say that about a Nokia, beeing a true Sony Ericsson believer...
I've had it for a week now, the only thing that I dont like is the battery - it drains waaay to fast.
I've written a review, feel free to read and comment:
My Nokia N95 review
Hope that there will come a fw upgrade soon which enables support for 4GB MicroSD (if it doesn't support them already - everyone is saying different)
It's all in your mind - MindStorm
Owner of a W810i
[ This Message was edited by: MindStorm on 2007-04-24 23:15 ]
Posted: 2007-04-24 17:18:20
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Nice review thanks. (Nice living room too!)
Posted: 2007-04-24 17:39:34
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wow MG is back. What happened to the domain though?
Posted: 2007-04-24 17:52:51
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Goldenface > hehe, thanks!

Thought that it would give a little more personal touch to the review
Amnesia > Hi there my old friend!

Long time no see! Yes, MG is back, even if I'll keep it as a blog this time instead of a big community. The MG domain was taken by someone else when I didn't pay for renewal (at that time I never thought there would be a MG-site again) putting a non-sense site there instead. Just links. Sad but that's life...
Posted: 2007-04-24 19:11:06
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good review, covers everything i would consider before buying one myself!
Posted: 2007-04-25 14:41:54
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I agree, it's a great review, I was tempted to buy N95, but the lack of a real Xenon flash, doesn't do it for me, beacuse after all we're talking about 5 MP camera, and I'm afraid that leds aren't enough for that type of camera.
[ This Message was edited by: SaLiH on 2007-04-25 15:20 ]
Posted: 2007-04-25 16:20:19
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Actually the N95's LED-flash is one of the brightest and strongest LED's I've tested so far, but I do agree with you - a xenon flash would have been perfect! Or actuallt both, so you could have LED when shooting a Video in night mode...
Posted: 2007-04-30 10:38:53
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