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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : K610i update stops at 100%
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trondbie Posts: 3

The updated went fine but now its stuck at 100%. Have been at 100% for like 6-8 minutes, nothing happens. Anyone know whats up?

Posted: 2007-05-15 21:36:37
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MrZippy Posts: 151

Took that long when I did the wifes K800...

BTW the new SEUS killed my K610, see my other thread.
Posted: 2007-05-15 22:00:45
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trondbie Posts: 3

Thanks for the reply. I closed the update program, started my phone and everything works with latest firmware.

Just close this thread.
Posted: 2007-05-15 22:12:38
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y@m0t! Posts: 64

I had an update on my fone last Sunday, and now it has the R1JG001 software version. At the end of the update, a message saying something like 'it was unsuccessful' came up. I noticed a lot of changes on the features of the fone (e.g. writing languages in creating an SMS) after it has upgraded. Can anyone tell me if you also encountered this same scenario whein it tells you that the update was unsuccessful but it did change the software? and got a lot of changes on the features of the fone? Also, can you tell me how I can revert it back the the old software version? Thanks!
Posted: 2007-05-16 08:02:08
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trondbie Posts: 3

I checked and I have R1JG001 too. I cant see any new features tho, I suspect the phone always had this firmware as I got the phone yesterday.

I have noe idea how to revert back, sorry
Posted: 2007-05-16 08:07:10
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