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> My K810i review!
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Yesterday the K810i was released in stores here in Sweden, and I've just been finishing up my review of the K810i!
I've been testing the K810i for a couple of days, and now I've finally posted my review at my own mobileblog MobileGathering.
Feel free to visit and read my K810i review H E R E. There is also some
pictures I've taken with my K810i and N95 to compare the cameras.
My first reaction: Is this really everything there is to it?
K810i feels very much like a K800i in a slimmer casing with round metallic keys and a glossy front - and as we all know glossy surfaces attracts thumbprints and smudge. This was exactly what happened to my K810i - I had to wipe it clean several times when I took pictures of it for my review.
K810i IS a good phone. But it really just is a K800i reloaded - with some cosmetic makeover.
Go ahead and read my review and let's discuss it! What are your thoughts?
It's all in your mind - MindStorm
Owner of a Nokia N95 and Sony Ericsson P990i
[ This Message was edited by: MindStorm on 2007-05-17 15:25 ]
Posted: 2007-05-17 16:21:17
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if i were a k810 fan, i would get a k810 housing and put it on k800. imo thats far cheaper, as to pay for actually a new housing 40% more, as for the k800 itself now a days
Posted: 2007-05-17 16:24:17
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Hi all,
Apparently it is even possible to flash a K800 with K810 firmware so if you changed the housing no one would even be able to tell.
Nokia E61 2gb Sandisk, Fring, Tom Tom 6, AD-46 with Black Shure EC2g
[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2007-05-17 15:39 ]
Posted: 2007-05-17 16:38:46
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Wow! I think ebay is going to sell a lot of K810 housings!
Posted: 2007-05-17 16:57:26
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On 2007-05-17 16:38:46, Dogmann wrote:
Hi all,
Apparently it is even possible to flash a K800 with K810 firmware so if you changed the housing no one would even be able to tell.
Naaaah, perhaps it would fit - but still you wouldn't get those blue light needed for the icons to light up when you activate the camera.
Posted: 2007-05-17 17:50:16
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I have both K800 and K810.
I however prefer the K810 over the k800.
The looks are so much nicer, Buttons i think in my eye are gr8. no problems at all.
Yes I agree that you do have do keep wiping the phone clean.
Posted: 2007-05-17 19:20:44
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Good review, although it still remains IMO the best camera phone available. The N95's pictures are overprocessed and are difficult to return to usable photos, i.e. the oversharpening in the flower photo.
The K810 is at least usable when it comes to correcting colours via post processing.
Posted: 2007-05-18 09:58:04
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Good review but can someone who owns one tell me how bad the marking from fingerprints actually is?
Also does it have good seals so as to not allow dust under the cover of the phone and around the joystick so that it doesent mess it up like on my curent K750i.
Thanks very much.
Posted: 2007-05-27 13:57:54
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we had a bit of a discussion yesterday in
this thread about fingerprints but it seems its not much of an issue
Posted: 2007-05-27 14:00:44
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Thanks for the quick reply massuer I'll check that one out
Posted: 2007-05-27 14:33:48
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