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> My HUGE Nokia N95 review!
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After having had the Nokia N95 for quite some time now, I decided to do a review. A long review. Actually it was way too long for just one page. So I had to cut up the review into several parts to get most details. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the huge review and all the pictures. It took me a very long time to do.
I’ve also updated the
N95 camera samples site with this review (added another 8 pictures and 1 video).
You can read the gigantic review in all it’s 12 parts right here…
Posted: 2007-06-17 12:33:09
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Apparently I can't edit the first post, but I forgot to mention, that I would have posted it all in this thread, if there were room enough, but there wasn't.
Happy reading, and hope you like it!
Posted: 2007-06-17 14:27:23
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This is nice, even if i`m not a N95 fan.You did target all aspects of it, and did a good job.
Posted: 2007-06-17 17:02:21
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On 2007-06-17 17:02:21, tkshinobi wrote:
This is nice, even if i`m not a N95 fan.You did target all aspects of it, and did a good job.
Thanks a lot. I'm glad you like it
And it seems like a lot of other people have read it, too, but I'm afraid I won't know if they liked it, because they haven't commented
Posted: 2007-06-17 20:00:52
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great review!
This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2007-06-17 20:22:15
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great review i liked it, but i don't think i will be getting the N95, i think i will be waiting for the N82 etc.
Posted: 2007-06-17 20:34:01
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thanks for the nice words. I really think many would like the N95. I certainly do, although I'm not a 'Nokia fan' normally.
Posted: 2007-06-17 21:51:25
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shanespencer Posts: > 500
Great review. That must have taken you ages to write. Still, the phone is so much fun, the review must have been pleasurable to put together!
Posted: 2007-06-17 22:06:27
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On 2007-06-17 22:06:27, shanespencer wrote:
Great review. That must have taken you ages to write. Still, the phone is so much fun, the review must have been pleasurable to put together!
Actually, it was a pain in the behind to put together. Just kidding
It was kinda fun, but I wanted to get as much in on the review without it being boring. Therefore lots of pictures were needed
I'm guessing it took me somewhere in between 20 - 30 (hours, that is) to do. Not only the writing, but also getting pictures and getting them ready, uploading etc...
But when getting all these views and cheerful comments, it really makes it all worth it!
[ This Message was edited by: Michell Bak on 2007-06-17 21:40 ]
Posted: 2007-06-17 22:37:44
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Well Michael, I must say that you made a really nice review there!
Although you mentioned a lot of cons in your review you still recommend it.. So i am asking you,.. if you would know about all these cons that N95 has, would you still get one?
I cant made up my mind. I had a P990 for 7 months now and dont know if N95 is a proper replacement for it. You said that web browsing is not so good as on P990? You said that P990 with latest FW can easyly have 4 pages opened; while N95 starts acting slow? As the main reason to sell of my P990 was its speed. But i must add that i heavent got to test the latest two FWs.
So based on the info i gave you, would you recommend me a N95, or not?
Posted: 2007-06-17 22:43:58
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