Sony Ericsson / Sony : New to Esato? Please read this forum first : I entered da wrong email addy
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> I entered da wrong email addy
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Hey all, I joined esato,typing in an address I no longer use into the form. It took me ages to realise where it had send my password, now I want to change it to my 'forum' account but cant see how.
Can a moderator/admin please pm me and let me know if you can change the address for me. Please let me know if I am missing an obvious setting if I can do it myself, thanx
Posted: 2002-12-06 22:39:00
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no u got it right, theres no way to change it.
u have to pm an moderator for example TRanquil and he forward the request to laffen andhe changes it rather quick for ne he did. I made same mistake. good luck
Posted: 2002-12-06 23:09:00
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The later versions of phpBB allow one to perform this very useful task.
I signed up for MSN before with a name I wanted, but typed in the address wrong (spellin mistake) an I had to wait for them to delete the accout to lack of use, they refused to delete it when I asked cos I had no proof it was mine :@
Posted: 2002-12-06 23:18:00
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I think it is good nobody cant change it
Posted: 2002-12-06 23:35:00
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You used to be able to change the email address but we have removed this feature because of misuse. Some people changed their original email address, wrote only bullshit and was banned. They opened a new account with the original email address, changed this and started to write bull again. By not letting members change their email address theirselves, new members must at least have a working email address before signing up. And for every new (banned) account, they must have a working email address.
Posted: 2002-12-07 21:27:00
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I DONT use the account I am signed up with, so is ther any way I can get it changed (admin chg it on the database or something) because it is annoying for me to have to check the account I typed in...
Posted: 2002-12-07 21:54:00
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im just wondering, y did u sign up wit that addy in the 1st place then?
Posted: 2002-12-29 14:32:00
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