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> iPhone vs P1i
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Well, having been a keen SE fan for a while this was always going to be a tough sell, I have had the K750, K800, K810, P900, P910, P990, W950 and some others so as you can tell i have become quite familiar and happy with the SE offerings.
Now how is the iPhone gonna compare to my P1?????
First thing I will discuss is Build Quality:
When I got my P1 I was VERY happy with the build quality, can't fault it as a progression on the P990, as the materials and feel of the phone have been markedly improved from said predecessor. However it is still predominantly plastic, and just try dropping it lol, I have seriously scratched one already by it falling out my pocket. Nice weight and balance, and altogether very well made.
Simply awesome build quality as people have come to expect through the Ipod series etc. The metal case and sapphire crystal display are simply stunning, it is ergonomically slightly too big to feel comfortable in the hand when grasped but you forgive this for the great finish and feel of the phone.
Slightly heavier than the P1 but not detractively so. Have seen it dropped, and even kicked without so much as a scratch to the screen, allbeit some scratching to the metal back.
0 - 1 (iPhone)
Next - The Box - What Does it come with??
The P1 box is fully loaded, good old Sony, Headphones, DCU-60, Charger, Case, Spare Stylus, Dock, CD, Battery, Phone, and Software Voucher for p1-choice.com (Limited Stock).
They pack it with goodies, which is what we have come to expect, all items are of excellent quality and it is something that SE have become very well renowned for.
Phone, USB, Adaptor, Dock and that's your lot lol, same old Apple different product, the box is about a third the size, and twice as heavy, the box is a really sleek looking thing, but no extras WYSIWYG lol.
1 - 1
Boot Time -
Fujin Ages lol, nah it's actually a VAST improvement on the P990 and has been streamlined to try and speed the process up. Excellent for a UIQ phone can't complain.
Not bad either, don't have the exact times, but they are roughly the same, if I had to give it to one the iPhone probably shades it, but for the purposes of this review let's call it a draw as neither is markedly faster than the other.
STILL 1 - 1
Here we go..........
I have always liked the GUI on UIQ 3 phones, intuitive and easy to use, they have really made a step forward from the 990 with this offering, with a very much identical layout to the likes of the W950 it has been speeded up and streamlined drastically, so no more lag.
Well if I could award more than one point for winning this section I would, cos the GUI is UNBELIEVABLE simply awesome. No other way to describe it, it has to be played with to be believed. it's seemless simply breathtaking to use. I will upload some vids of the apps etc. Simply amazing to use, can't say enough about it. The scroll through contacts is a lovely gimmick, the accelerometer for change from portrait to landscape is seemless, and the motion sensor for when the phone is close to your ear is another fabulous addition. The menu system is great to use, and very easy to navigate with a finger, no need for multi form input.
The only downside is the limit to how many widgets can be placed on the homescreen, EASILY HACKED lol.
3rd Party Apps and Functionality -
Has almost everything you would ever need, 3.2 megapixel camera, video capture, Wifi (b), UMTS support, MMS, Document Reader, Music/Video Player. Lacks a big internal memory, but that is why God invented memory sticks lol.
Vast array of UIQ apps, we all know what they are, no need to dwell on this, 3rd party apps are what the UIQ series have been built on TBH, because so many people use them and they are so wideranging, lack of certificate verification is a pain in the ass on web apps tho lol.
Downside being the 802.11 b but hey who's nitpicking.
Poor functionality, as there is no UMTS or MMS support, but seeing as I don't have a huge requirement for either I can get over it. This however is a real sticking point for a lot of you, and rightly so, the web is slow when not wireless, and MMS is something that would be nice considering there is a perfectly good 2MP camera included lol. The 3rd party apps are coming to fruition now, and we are seeing excellent options for skinning and modding as well as adding many function including VOIP etc.
Excellent phone great apps, poor built in functions.
Oooops 2 - 2
Sync'ing and Compatability -
Just the one paragraph, thought sync'ing my contacts etc with the P1 was easy with PC Suite, SOOOOOO easy with the iPhone, and they look better on it too. It is faster and renders them much better than PC Suite.
2 - 3
Phoning/Texting -
Rocker keypad is good, but takes a bit of getting used to, not that easy to do quickly with one hand while on the move, coupled to the fact the screen is neigh on impossible to read in direct light, it becomes cumbersome to do on the move. Calling is easy pick a contact or dial a number, and call quality is awesome. Couple that to the array of BT devices that worl with the P1 and you have yourself a nice little communicator there.
KEyboard again takes a bit of getting used to but once you have it is hard to imagine using anything else. Excellent and the spell corrector is great lol, with an adapting keyboard based on situation, cannot fault it. It is also designed to have adaptive input areas where it guesses what you are likely to tap next through a massive amount of algorithms and changes the mapping to make it easier to tap the nest key. VERY NEAT!! you can't see it but know it's there as you can almost tap the adjacent letter, and still get the one you want. Screen is much easier to see and is SO FAR SUPERIOR in quality. Call quality is ok, I seem to get a better signal with the iPhone but always feel the call quality isn't quite what I am used to with my P1. Getting to your contacts is easy and typing a number is also readily done.
Was going to call this a draw seeing as I think the call quality is better on the SE than the iPhone, but screen quality and keyboard are vice-versa, but then remembered I have no MMS on iPhone and can't get business cards anymore either.
SO..... 3 - 3
Overall, a draw, but there are many categories I haven't covered and if you asked me which one I would use, then it would easily be the iPhone. 8GB internal memory, FANTASTIC screen, easy to use, great video playback, seemless menus, innovative design, sleek look, UNBELIEVABLE GUI.
I have to say for a long time I was a doubter about it, thought it was all hype etc, but the phone really is a step in the right direction, and that's without 3G and MMS, the next one will be simply mindblowing.
Well I have had SE for years, and will have a K850 when it's out, but really can't see anything surpassing this for a while yet.
All comments welcomed. Pics and Vids to follow.
Posted: 2007-09-27 20:28:12
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Try this site
you can use mms have a look in the forums...
Posted: 2007-09-27 20:34:15
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how you dare to compare the iPhone next to P1?
Posted: 2007-09-27 21:20:24
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The iphone is a paris hilton, Sexy but limited.
Posted: 2007-11-06 20:07:58
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The p1 dosnt deserve to be in the same room as the iphone!
Posted: 2007-11-06 20:58:15
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I enjoyed the iPhone for the time I actually had it (less than a week), but honestly, it isn't quite what it is made out to be. OK it is an Apple product so is bound to turn a few heads and looks the part. But overall I found it completely and utterly useless. I buy a phone usually for the vast array of features (which is why I am currently using a K850) and this didn't come anywhere near a "good" phone. OK it has nice features etc but it is
VERY limited. For example you can't send/receive items via bluetooth and I am sure you know the rest. One hand texting is a complete no no, and the size of the device it too big for sure. For a 2 mpix camera it is actually quite good, especially considering it has no AF (check out MY pics in the photos section to see a few).
After all is said and done the iPhone is "revolutionary" in a sense but is certainly nowhere near the other phone manufacturers. If it had a proper keyboard, at least AF on the camera, the ability to send/receive files etc I would most likely use one, but right now there is no way I could do that.
Could review mate. Think I would take the P1 though.
Posted: 2007-11-06 21:16:16
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Well I can say it has a classier look. Other than that, it's useless.
This message was posted from a P1i
Posted: 2007-11-07 01:05:06
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the author only compares the things that both phones have. if he included all the features that was missing in iphone and present in P1. iphone will be crap
P1 all the way, like.no.other
Posted: 2007-11-07 02:11:42
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What´s the point of having hundreds of features if they are all trapped inside an unstable OS with poor hardware, poorer software and ´too´ basic GUI? It´s best to have a handful of functions that work all the time and pretty much behave, look and feel just like they would on a PC. I know its a personal decision, but iphone all the way.
Posted: 2007-11-07 04:19:39
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I guess this two phone don't deserve to be compared.
Posted: 2007-11-09 01:11:07
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