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My personal K850 review
In the beginning, I would like to confess that I wasn't all that hyped up when I first saw the K850's design and ergonomics on the internet. I had some mixed feelings toward the navigation pad (that is embedded in the normal keypad) and the semi touch screen for soft buttons. But the result turned out to be very different. In fact by this experience I have learned that no matter how sharp the internet images or the editor's comments were, the device (not only the K850) in real time is way different.
I will conduct a review for the sake of people who plan to buy this phone, pointing toward the major pros and cons, and a couple of pictures.
Design: 7/10
The first time you hold this handset, you feel as if the internet pictures were meant for another handset. The phone turned to be very compact, and the weight is distributed evenly across the chassis. Your thumb automatically jumps toward the navipad , and you start exploring the raised edges. Here something unpleasant occurred. Regarding the fact that the buttons 2 and 5 are in the middle of the pad, you get the perception that these (or one of them) is assigned as an ((OK)) button. But that's completely wrong. The only way you can get into menus is via the semi touch screen at the bottom of the screen. Color combination is very good, but I didn't like the sliver (call/ hangup) keys. The screen is very good, and reflective of sunrays in most cases. The casing doesn't squeak or rattle, and 90% of the whole surfaces are plastic glossy. So if you're one of those people who want their phone to keep on shining and stains free, well steer away from this one.
Phone functionality and keys: 8/10
Sony Ericsson's strategy for this year was to use square shaped keys in the majority of their phones (T650-W880-K850…) to be honest, I was a bit skeptical about such decision, but then again the reality is completely different. The keys are easily pressed and tactile (no sound of Clicking is ever heard and something great). The only thing negative about such small square buttons is the language printing. In Middle Eastern regions or Russia, the keys have multiple languages printing on them, and because of the fact that the square shaped buttons are small, every printing is found on the chassis. So when you punch the numbers you don't see the key indication because it get eclipsed by your own fingers. For a wider display screen, the manufacturer decided to use a semi touch screen, touch sensitive soft buttons that turned out to be fantastic. The phone comes pre-installed with flash based themes that, whenever you press a soft key one the screen, displays an adorable half circle around your thumb.
Phone functionality is straight forward and in par with every other Sony Ericsson handset, and with the great addition of (Smart Search) making calls have become a breeze. And to further explain the smart search, when you press numbers, the phone starts displaying (in a lower part of the screen) the names with similar numbers accordingly.
Connectivity: 9/10
This is the best phone from Sony Ericsson in terms of connectivity. But that's not because of the handset itself, it's because of the new redesigned renovated PC suite software that comes in the box. It's clear, simple and intuitive. Yet it provides an excellent friendly user interface without missing any important points. Furthermore, all pictures and media files can be synchronized with one click. The Bluetooth connectivity is seamless the transfer of 1 MB sized picture between k800 and k850 was a breeze, and the transfer rate was up to 88 kbytes/second.
Camera: 8/10
As it is already known, this handset is SE's best camera equipped phone. A 5mp CMOS sensor provides clear and crisp imagery on the go. I've tried to compare photos taken by K850 and N95, and to be honest, both handset are equal in this battle. N95 appear to add (unrealistic) colors to the pictures, while K850 makes them a bit dim.
The camera interface is common to the latest cyber-shot branded phones, and adds icons over the (3-6-9-#) buttons. The shutter is electro-mechanical, and is operated by a the on/off button found on right edge of the phone. The user is free to change the camera mode between (digital still images-video recorder-media player) thanks to the new addition of a rocker button found right beneath the shutter button.
Video recording has been updated this time, and it's the second device from Sony Ericsson (after W900) that makes recording videos, a pleasant experience. Very good indeed
Media Player: 8/10
A new media player function is found in this phone. It uses the same concept of media handling that was introduced in Sony's videogame consoles "Playstation3 – PSP". It's very good, and compelling for everyday usage. It is operated with the navigation pad, up and down, left and right. You can navigate it in portrait and landscape mode , and there's a motion sensor that rotates the media player automatically upon the phone orientation. But this is rubbish, because it doesn't function properly all the time.
Good ergonomics
Crisp and clear screen
Semi touch screen is very intuitive
Camera prowess (and Flash), evolved video recording
Great PC suite software
Very good media manager
LED light for night usage
Dust, and fingerprint magnet device
Motion sensor is useless
I got the feeling that SE tries to modify certain aspects in this phone for future purposes. To further explain, the addition of PSP like media manager can indicate the trend the manufacturer is trying set. They introduced this very handy option, and moved the file manager shortcut to the Organizer menu. Why? because they want the users to get used to this (PSP like) interface, which will be the major feature of a new media centric (yet to be announced) handset.
Couple of pictures are embedded, after the break.
Posted: 2007-10-13 10:35:30
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Nice review! good work
Posted: 2007-10-13 10:43:24
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Posted: 2007-10-13 10:53:25
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thanks for sharing the good news,nice review.how about updating it as time goes on,i'm sure certain views will change...
Posted: 2007-10-13 11:03:55
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thanks also for sharing your review it was clear and simple
nice catch to (the k850)
Posted: 2007-10-13 11:10:30
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Thanks for this review.
How many flash theme are on board ??? Only Laser Precision ???
Posted: 2007-10-13 11:13:56
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Nice review... thanks
could you tell us about the loudspeaker?
i wish you compare it to w850 or w580 or T650 or s500 Loudspeaker
thanks again
Posted: 2007-10-13 11:25:07
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regarding the motion sensor;
"my experience is that the phone has to be held straight upright for it to go immediately into landscape (and vicer versa),but if it is not straight upright but tilted backwards so the screen is towards the sky there is a lag and the more the degree of tilt,the greater the lag."
Posted: 2007-10-13 12:45:53
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wxcwllwnt review, very informative
Posted: 2007-10-13 12:58:08
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if the motion sensor doesn't work is there a button like on the K800 you can press so it goes into lanscape mode?
Posted: 2007-10-13 12:58:36
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