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> The £9 phone review! (Sagem MY-150x)
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Naffed off with your N95? Worried about your W910i? Sick of your Samsung? Why not invest £9 of your hard-earned on the mighty Sagem MY150x!! For less than the cost of a round of drinks (or more if you're me - I need more friends!

), which I bought from
TJ Hughes.
Great for if you want a simple backup phone, or are feeling a bit 1998. No camera here, or Bluetooth, even IR, no colour screen, MP3 player, expandable memory or anything like that, this phone, er, makes calls, sends texts, has a simple calendar, alarm, vibrating alert, and speakerphone!
I rather like it, though I won't be replacing my N95, K810i or D900 with it anytime soon. The screen has a rather nice blue on black display, which is easy to read. The menus are very simple and has a big icon to tell you what it is too, great for those who haven't had a mobile before, are a bit anti-technology, or failing eyesight. Though one downside is that the keypad is rather small, though I've had no problems so far.
The phone is also surprisingly good looking, and very slim - slimmer than my D900, and the U600 I had for a while too! It's also a very light phone, you barely know you have it in your pocket. However, the plastics used bely the phone's budget status, and do feel a bit cheap, but what do you expect for under a tenner?
Overall, this is a very good budget phone, looks great for the price, and as long as you don't expect any modern features it's a nice little phone. Ideal for nights out when you don't want to take your more expensive phone out, or as a backup phone, or if you're just feeling like getting back to basics!
Will post some comparison pictures once the phone's finished charging.
Posted: 2007-12-05 14:56:41
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He he. You can never have too many back up / party phones I suppose.
Posted: 2007-12-05 15:10:02
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Especially when they cost next to nowt! Can't complain at the price, couldn't resist getting one just to see what it was like!
This is actually the first brand new phone I've had since my last contract upgrade 12 months ago!
Posted: 2007-12-05 15:23:58
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Posted: 2007-12-05 15:25:35
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think ill recommend this to my m8 who loses his phone at least 6 times last when out on the lash lol he had a lg chocolate and lost it within a week went back and bought the same one lost it within three weeks but he doesn't block them as he doesn't know how lol
Posted: 2007-12-05 15:30:23
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Here we go, some comparison pictures compared to my D900, plus a couple of the phone on it's own:
'scuse the fingerprints!
A surprisingly thin phone, the Sagem's the one on the right btw:
The back is that 'rubberised' style plastic, meaning it won't slide off surfaces too easily:
And finally a couple of pictures of the MY150x by itself, the last of which is without the flash so you can see the V3-esque keypad lighting:
(Pics courtesy of my N95 btw!)
Posted: 2007-12-05 15:41:21
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simply beautiful.
Posted: 2007-12-05 15:43:19
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Looks nifty
The keypad however looks more like a moto keypad
Posted: 2007-12-05 15:43:55
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I think it's the best of the budget phones, much better looking than the Motofone, and much better than Alcatel's offerings!
And I have to say better than SE's entry level line up.... Isn't it Sagem who are going to be producing some entry level handsets for

or is that someone else?
Posted: 2007-12-05 15:59:27
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Yes it was Sagem and whats with the fingerprints you mucky pup.
You'll have to buy a Krusell case for it - instantly doubling its value in the mean time.
Posted: 2007-12-05 16:13:10
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