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General discussions : Product reviews : SE K850i or Samsung G800 (again) sorry
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fairy_magik Posts: 2

Hi this is my first post but iv no idea when it comes to phones. I just sold my Viewty because to be honest it was not what i expected and after all the hype i HATE the touch screen.

I am trying to find a new phone, i am swaying to and from the K850i and the G800 and really have no idea which one to get, im after a decent camera because i use it most.

For those who have both phones, can you create message folders to save received messages in? The viewty doesnt offer this and i ended up deleting messages i wanted saved, sounds stupid but before i get another phone i would like to know more about it.

I like the g800 because it looks a bit more femanine than the K850 but i dont want to get a phone and regret it, any advice would be fab
Posted: 2008-01-04 12:00:59
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Mizzle Posts: > 500

I'd say you should go for K850

The best phone of those two!
Posted: 2008-01-04 12:17:20
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rabmozzer Posts: 60

I second that...go for K850
Posted: 2008-01-04 12:34:53
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fairy_magik Posts: 2

ok, for what reasons? iv read posts on here that i thought said different, im interested in all opinions, can anyone tell me tho about the folders? can i create folders to store sms/mms in instead of inbox? thanks
Posted: 2008-01-04 13:11:06
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buntoo Posts: > 500

K850i is simply the Best...!
Posted: 2008-01-08 13:30:03
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se_dude Posts: > 500

@ fairy-yep..u can..
Posted: 2008-01-08 14:47:25
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Alfaro Posts: 127

i was thinking about get a viewty... but i was thinking that the 3 soft-keys of K850 already piss me off for lacking the touch feedback.. viewty wouldn't last a month...

K850 vs. G800

in terms of design it's your choice...
in functions i preffer K850... the G800 have a larger display but the K850's display it brighter, K850's sound quality is better, the UI is much better, acelerometer...

about the camera, GSMarena made a nice review comparing both
k850 proud user

sorry for my english... i've learned watching FRIENDS on tv

[ This Message was edited by: Alfaro on 2008-01-08 14:28 ]
Posted: 2008-01-08 15:23:03
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herodile Posts: 45

k850i simply the best
Posted: 2008-08-27 08:05:06
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

Ye rather take K850. The G800 is nice but its pretty big and not as compact as a K850. Plus K850 has the better UI, multitasking, accelerometer for Auto Rotate and a better Media Gallery.
Posted: 2008-08-27 08:41:01
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

Indeed. But I think the original poster has a decision by now, considering the thread was made back in January.
Posted: 2008-08-27 08:42:07
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