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wod07 Posts: 7

Just wanted to share this, my first time being with orange and i already am diapointed. They sent me a 2g sim card (sim only pay monthly), wondered my phone wasnt working with 3g. After a 2nd call we finall found that it was the sim card. So now they say they cant send me a 3g sim card yet theyve also gave me 30 minuted video calling... How stupid. I am told that 3g is not available to pay monlthy sim only, yet it is available on payasyougo...
They need to get their priorities right here. Where do i go to file a complaint?
Thanks you lot, atleast some people are helpfull..
Posted: 2008-01-08 11:21:05
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

PM Fatreg. He knows the people to talk to at Orange.
Posted: 2008-01-08 11:22:05
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goldenface Posts: > 500

It sounds like you were just given any old explanation. I would have called back to get proper answer - unless of course you had to wait a long time to get through.

Did you not get the name of the person you spoke to? Thats really bad customer service.

Posted: 2008-01-08 11:51:19
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wod07 Posts: 7

Nah i phone 3 different places, they all told me that they either dont know or i cant do that.. How hard is it to send a 3g sim registeres in my account!?
Posted: 2008-01-08 12:21:37
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goldenface Posts: > 500

When first I got my W900i I asked them about 3G sims and they just said go into an Orange shop and buy one for £5, which I did, and then swapped my number over.

Anyway, make sure you raise a complaint with them and make a meal of it. Then when it comes to renewing your contract you can tell them you weren't happy because of this episode and then use it as a good bargaining tool for a cheaper contract.

Posted: 2008-01-08 12:31:41
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wod07 Posts: 7

Well they said i cant do that. Im on a pay monthly sim only so luckily i can cancel with no problems. But all i wanted was 3g... They say its not possible but i know it is.
Posted: 2008-01-08 13:54:13
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fbloise Posts: > 500

Orange is so dumb that here, in Dominican republic they announce the 3G and videocalls back in 2006.
Now's 2008 and Claro, the orther provider, has videocalls and 3G, push to talk (another technology announced by Orange sometime ago).
When you call orange they don't have an specific timeframe and not only that, they have lousy data plans available.
I think is a problem worldwide. Orange s#%cks big time.
Posted: 2008-03-18 23:46:52
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