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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Copper edition R520 wtd
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volvoman Posts: > 500

I am after a copper edition R520 any who has one for sale please post
Posted: 2002-12-27 01:00:00
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thadjudkins Posts: 8

There's a guy on ebay selling about 50 CE's. They're $82 if you're willing to wait 5 days, $88 with buy it now.


PS -- I bought one last night, should be here Friday if you want to wait, I can give you more info then.

[ This Message was edited by: thadjudkins on 2002-12-31 06:34 ]
Posted: 2002-12-31 07:29:00
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volvoman Posts: > 500

Where on ebay are they for sale and wherte in the world are they selling from which country do thet come from please
Posted: 2003-01-01 17:03:00
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Cytech Posts: > 500

you find one of them here, if you use the search on eBay you'll find the others...

[ This Message was edited by: Cytech on 2003-01-01 16:13 ]
Posted: 2003-01-01 17:12:00
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DSF Posts: > 500

Hey i bought an SILVER R520m with 130$. What are the differences between the SILVER r520 and CE r520? This post was posted from a R520
Posted: 2003-01-01 17:12:00
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Cytech Posts: > 500

On 2003-01-01 17:12, DSF wrote:
Hey i bought an SILVER R520m with 130$.
What are the differences between the SILVER r520 and CE r520?

This post was posted from a R520

just the color... the copper edition was discontinued by before the silver edition... so CE can be seen as a bit more "exclusive"

[ This Message was edited by: Cytech on 2003-01-01 16:18 ]
Posted: 2003-01-01 17:17:00
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DSF Posts: > 500

Cytech the CE r520 is the orange one? This post was posted from a R520
Posted: 2003-01-01 17:20:00
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Cytech Posts: > 500

On 2003-01-01 17:20, DSF wrote:
Cytech the CE r520 is the orange one?

This post was posted from a R520

yes... called it copper...
Posted: 2003-01-01 17:24:00
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DSF Posts: > 500

Cytech aha. And wich one is resistant (masive), the silver or the copper one? This post was posted from a R520
Posted: 2003-01-01 17:32:00
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DSF Posts: > 500

Cytech ... This post was posted from a R520
Posted: 2003-01-03 09:58:00
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