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StickyRikki Posts: 8

I just replaced my W580i with a K800i and just got a pc and was wondering if it's possible to my phone as a modem. If it is can someone please help.
Posted: 2008-03-30 05:56:00
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

Were you able to do it with your W580i? It should be exactly the same to set up.
Posted: 2008-03-31 13:37:11
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StickyRikki Posts: 8

I didn't know i could do it until the other day my computer is broken again but it will be handy if someone could help
Posted: 2008-03-31 13:48:00
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

I could only tell you how to do it on a Mac sorry, as thats all I have. Hopefully someone will turn up to help though!
Posted: 2008-03-31 13:51:50
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StickyRikki Posts: 8

Cheers mate i think i know how to do it. I only want to do this so i can fix my W580i lol thanks for your help anyway
Posted: 2008-04-01 00:01:25
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jacke08 Posts: 3


I used my k810i as a modem and it worked without problems. As long as you have GPRS or 3G on your phone. If you have bluetooth you can just connect using PAN access, otherwise use the USB cable and the SE software. Remember to get a fixed rate account

I got D/L speeds of about 45kb/sec with k810i. Getting around 200kb/s with my new w890i though using HDSPA )
Posted: 2008-04-09 02:29:25
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