Market : Accessories for sale : FS: Sourcingmap Exclusive Wireless Headphone For Watch TV At Midnight
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> FS: Sourcingmap Exclusive Wireless Headphone For Watch TV At Midnight
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Want To Sell This useful little stuff.
They feature an on-ear rather than the over-the-ear design .Impressively, the earpieces employ a cushy memory foam that conforms to your ears nicely, and they do a better job than you'd think of passively shutting out noise, unlike most on-ear models, which tend to let in--and leak out--a fair amount of sound. The headphones are very comfortable, but because the deliciously soft leather pads are pressed right up against your ears, the newer models are going to feel steamier if you wear them in warmer environments. up close vision,
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Posted: 2008-04-01 10:45:29
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