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> K800i: memory problem
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I use MyPhoneExplorer with my K800i and I have recently been adding contact details, such as address, because MPE makes it so easy to do.
Recently, I added address details to a contact in MPE, and when I synchronized it the new address details disappeared from MPE. I tried several times, sometimes trying 'Force As Edited' in the MPE context menu (I don't actually know what this does, but it seemed as though it might be helpful). Then I tried adding the address details on the phone, and I got a 'memory full' error, and the details were lost. When I look at the Memory Status in MPE and in the phone I have plenty of unused memory in all departments.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem is and how to overcome it?
Posted: 2008-05-14 11:02:22
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