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SquiSh1717 Posts: 2

anybody read the article in the latest Wireless Week mag that states that, combined, all cellular carriers in the US have dumped $100 trillion into their networks since 1984??? With 130 million subscribers in the US, that translates into $818,154 for each subscriber that has been spent... remember that when you call into customer care to complain about that .10 charge for SMS : ) Once again ATTWS led the way in 2002 spending $5.1B on expanding its GSM/GPRS network, with Cingular coming in second with $4.2B... just a little info to put into perspective just how much YOUR cellular providers are spending on expanding the 2.5G to 3G networks : )
Posted: 2003-01-04 23:23:00
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MrSavoy Posts: 267

Thats good to hear and very impressive. However, you don'texpect me to feel bad when I call in for a credit on my bill for whatever reason do you? Since I am sure the top execs and CEO's of all these companys spending all this money have little trouble with reaping(raping?) the shareholders and taking all sorts of perks and getting rich over the years. Heh I don't mean to put a negative spin on what your post says above, heh, I am just a realist. Thats how it is.
On a lighter note I look foward to 3G deployment here in the US
Posted: 2003-01-04 23:40:00
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Deric Posts: 10

I don't mean to sound like a prick, MrSavoy, but are you saying that because some guy in an office building gets paid with shareholder money, that you Deserve credits on your account?

By the way, are you a shareholder?
Posted: 2003-01-05 01:40:00
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amagab Posts: > 500

I would like to know how much corporate welfare the government has been handing out to AT&T, Verizon, and others.
Posted: 2003-01-05 03:15:00
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RyanM Posts: 2

I can believe that.
Posted: 2003-01-05 04:34:00
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johnlemvp Posts: 12

I can't believe that cuz ATT's GSM network is horrible.
Posted: 2003-01-05 05:02:00
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jellyellie Posts: > 500

you mean that they spend $818,514 on each customer?
Posted: 2003-01-05 13:28:00
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Wuz Posts: 319

Squish1717 - you're sums are way off. For a start, you state the amount spent since 1984, but then divide this sum by the no. of current users. Clearly, you need to divide the figure by all users since 1984 (a figure much larger than 130m). Also, what about business users which have multiple handsets but only count as one customer? However, apart from a no. of 'perdantic' smaller points like these ones, what about the fact that the 'networks' generate revenue in other ways for the companies, beside just customer calls?
Bottom line = obviously, if the cost per customer was going to be anything like the figure you state, no networks would ever have got into this business in the first place.

Posted: 2003-01-05 13:51:00
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shawnmccall9 Posts: > 500

I'm with you Mr. Savoy, some of the these f***cking execs and customer (blood suckers) service people are both selling bills of goods that don't pan out to shite. My ATT GSM is just one of them. I think more than any other industry, wireless phone providers in the US speak too much of their products. I really think that wireless local number portability will be a good thing that will reduce and consolidate the number of providers in the next three years. I think that a lot of people will leave crappy providers that they have been trapped by for years by holding the numbers hostage...hell verizon is still fighting it in court.
Posted: 2003-01-05 15:58:00
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MrSavoy Posts: 267

Deric you don't sound like a prick, you just sound like someone who didn't understand what I meant in my post above. I suggest you read it again.
Posted: 2003-01-06 23:15:00
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