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idlink Posts: 1

I use opera mini on my phone, i access pages including pictures 4 wallpapers, but can't download files like themes, videos, games and other applicbtion, any one knows how it's done pls notify me..i'll be waiting 4 ur reply.
Posted: 2008-08-12 06:50:00
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idumbakumar Posts: > 500

so what version of opera mini ur using. v4.1 is the latest. that downloads everything without using native browser. also downloads quickly.
if u want ro download the picture just presss '1' then select open image.then teh picture will be opened in original size. then save the picture to ur wish.
for downloading other things except picture. u have to follow the valid link then u will get the save option.
note u can't download the things which needs some waiting(dynamic pages). like "link loading plese wait" if u want to download please wait for $$ seconds" like that. for those u need native browser. ex RAPID SHARE.

hope this helps.

Posted: 2008-08-12 08:02:39
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Twometre Posts: > 500

This is the simplest thing that you can do. Ont he page with the picture you want to download click menu > page information then select the picture you want to download. It heppans on opera mini v4.1

I think Bush is The Antichrist
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[ This Message was edited by: Twometre on 2008-08-28 11:52 ]

[ This Message was edited by: laffen on 2008-10-07 00:00 ]
Posted: 2008-08-12 09:23:39
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dennevhyn_31 Posts: > 500

I also have Opera Mini web browser on my phone. I installed Opera Mini 4.1 and Opera Mini 2.06. I always use the Opera Mini 2.06. I am encountering the same problem when downloading. Everytime I try to download any file like pictures, games, applications, etc., it does not complete the download. I haven't tried downloading using Opera Mini 4.1. I can download using the native browser of my phone but not on Opera Mini. Any tips or suggestions?
Posted: 2008-08-13 11:29:14
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ejemplo Posts: 55

you should to use "opera mini mod"...

(add tag in )
Posted: 2008-08-19 01:27:39
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dennevhyn_31 Posts: > 500

@rayden07 - I'm already using a mod version of Opera Mini. It's Opera Mini Mod 2.06. But anyway, I was able to fix my own problem. Thanks anyway. I can already download now using Opera Mini Mod 2.06. Thanks again. Have a good day!
Posted: 2008-08-19 07:13:07
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idumbakumar Posts: > 500

as i told above u can freely use operamini v4.1 i never found any problem in downloading. it donwloads very faster comparing native browser.
Posted: 2008-08-19 08:58:38
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dennevhyn_31 Posts: > 500

@idumbakumar: Yah, there is no problem downloading using Opera Mini 4.1 but the reason why I'm using Opera Mini Mod 2.06 because I can configure the network settings that allows me to browse the Internet for free. There is a charge for browsing if I'm going to Opera Mini 4.1. There is no option on it to configure the network settings unlike in mod versions.
Posted: 2008-08-19 12:55:35
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XIONGYAN1 Posts: 3

Ditto here~!
I support your point of view 。
Posted: 2008-08-20 21:20:28
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StevenC Posts: > 500

I use Opera Mini v4.1 for browsing the Internet and UCWEB v5 for downloading files to my phone.

Posted: 2008-08-25 02:06:50
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