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johanch Posts: > 500

I promised to post the reply from NetCom (Norwegian operator) where I asked them about SMS over GPRS. The answer is in Norwegian, so if maybe Laffen or someone else from Norway can translate this to english, it would be nice.

Here is the answer from NetCom:


GPRS er en teknologi som også støtter overføring av SMS. De ulike
operatørene jobber nå med å implementere denne teknologien i sine nettverk.
NetCom gjennomfører i disse dager testing for å utvikle sin nye
En forutsetning for at overføringen av SMS (over GPRS) mellom ulike
operatører skal fungere smertefritt, er at begge parter støtter teknologien.
Hvis dette ikke er tilfelle, må meldingene konverteres til et annet format
før disse kan sendes videre til mottakeren. Dette krever uforholdsmessig mye
av våre nettverksressurser. NetCom avventer derfor lanseringen av SMS over
GPRS til de øvrige operatørene er klare.

Mens datatrafikk over GPRS benytter ordinære trafikk-kanaler i
basestasjonen, benytter SMS såkalte signaleringskanaler. Det samme er
tilfelle ved overføring av SMS over GSM. Dette innebærer at prismodellene
for SMS vil skille seg fra prismodellene for datatrafikk over GPRS (akkurat
som prismodellene for SMS over GSM er forskjellig fra annen trafikk). Med
andre ord er det ikke gitt at SMS over GPRS vil prises på samme måte som
øvrig datatrafikk over GPRS.

Vennlig Hilsen
NetCom Data/fax

Posted: 2002-02-14 23:22:00
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GOwin Posts: > 500

can anyone please translate the useful parts into english?
Posted: 2002-02-15 06:31:00
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johanch Posts: > 500

Just to summarize the letter from NetCom, the main points here is that it is possible to send SMS over GPRS, but not all operators have this ready yet, so if you are going to send a SMS over GPRS from a operator that can do this to a another operator that not have this option in their net, the SMS has to be converted into a different format. This is taking too much capasity of the network, so in this case, NetCom is awaiting the other operators to have this feature ready before they will offer SMS over GPRS.

The letter also say that the fee for 1 SMS over GPRS is not valued the same as regular data-traffic, just like 1 SMS is not valued the same as regular GSM-traffic. So it's not for certain that SMS over GPRS will be cheaper than SMS over GSM.

This is the answer from NetCom. Any reactions?
Posted: 2002-02-15 09:32:00
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GOwin Posts: > 500

You may have noticed that I don't live in Norway, but in the Philippines. Some of us Filipinos here were debating on whether our SP does supports SMS over GPRS because they have been keeping mum about it and we don't have any means of verifying that.

It's interesting to note that there seems to be a need to convert SMS sent via GPRS to the "regular" SMS network. All the while I have been thinking that the only difference between the two is that way the SMS data was sent to the network.

Maybe it would be helpful if some engineers here could enlighten us on this issue, as to give credence to the claim by your SP for the "need to convert SMS".
Posted: 2002-02-15 09:52:00
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johanch Posts: > 500

The letter from NetCom has some techincal information on why they have to convert it to a different format, if you are sending from a "SMS over GPRS"-enabled network to an "SMS over GPRS"-disabled network, but I find it difficult to translate that. So if some of you guys from Scandinavia can manage to translate that letter, it would maybe be more clear WHY they have to convert SMS to a different format.


Posted: 2002-02-15 10:05:00
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Raptor Posts: 241

Translation is here:

They don't wirte why its so difficult to convert the SMS messages from GPRS, and I belive it isn't so difficult, but it's just an excuse to have a high price on SMS messages
Posted: 2002-02-15 11:28:00
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GOwin Posts: > 500

hmm.. i read from some singaporean message board that though their network supports SMS over GPRS, their SPs still monitor the number of SMS you send out and charge you for it regardless of whether it was sent over SMSC or GPRS.
Posted: 2002-02-17 12:15:00
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Nickman Posts: 23

I new here but i thougt i would tell you all about my experience with SMS over GPRS here in sweden...

I have had free GPRS over Telias net for a trial period of 3 months.. And i have sent around 80 SMS free over GPRS on that net.. But around 3 weaks ago they turnd off that feature =( And now i'm back to just using GSM again...

I'm guessing they have the stuff to make it run but they don't know how much to charge for them. And i was just lucky to try before they shut it down..

// Niclas
Posted: 2002-02-17 13:08:00
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jhb Posts: 173

As I wrote in an earlier post on this matter, there are different charging-records for SMS-over-GPRS and other GPRS traffic, but most operators billing systems don't support these charging records yet... until they can charge for the SMS-messages (which probably will be cheaper than ordinary SMS over the control channel) many have decided to disable the feature...
Posted: 2002-02-17 17:31:00
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Spectrum Posts: 83

I've got the NetCom Fub abb.
sms over gprs works fine
Posted: 2002-02-18 13:26:00
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