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Tarunta Posts: 2

Any one tell me how much memory can support on Sony ericssion w200i ?

Posted: 2008-10-16 11:01:13
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yea g Posts: > 500

32gb but the biggest you can get so far is 16gb
Posted: 2008-10-16 11:24:44
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HPkuK610i Posts: 140

On 2008-10-16 11:24:44, yea g wrote:
32gb but the biggest you can get so far is 16gb

Posted: 2008-10-16 11:29:04
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groovepeppy Posts: > 500

8gb is already more than enough for W200i as i won't play any dvd quality movie in it. The battery itself won't take a chance of playing all songs you put in 8gb ms micro
Posted: 2008-10-17 20:25:42
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gforce23 Posts: > 500

I'd imagine that a 16GB card costs more than the phone itself!
Posted: 2008-10-17 22:01:13
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groovepeppy Posts: > 500

On 2008-10-17 22:01:13, gforce23 wrote:
I'd imagine that a 16GB card costs more than the phone itself!

Lol !
Posted: 2008-10-17 22:33:09
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strizlow800 Posts: > 500

It may cost more than the phone. Nothing's weird there.. Anyway, it should supports cards up to 32GB as soon as their formatting is FAT32
Posted: 2008-10-18 01:17:20
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