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Market : Mobile phones wanted : I need a t68i for under $200 US Dollars
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kennedyijeh Posts: 3

New or used it doesnt matter to me

[ This Message was edited by: kennedyijeh on 2003-01-21 04:00 ]
Posted: 2003-01-21 04:59:00
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nocturnalchipmunk Posts: 364

dude. i got mine for free. just wait until hella rebates come out for the phone. that's what i did. i got mine at my local "Good Guys" store. would you rather wait two months and pay nothing, or buy it now for $200?
Posted: 2003-01-24 08:37:00
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jacquiegardner Posts: 6

Amazon is selling the phone for free if you sign up with T-Mobile. If you're looking for an unlocked phone I understand that T-Mobile will give you unlock codes after a couple of months of service.

I just bought my first GSM phone T68i and have T-Mobile service. It ROCKS! I can't believe the functionality versus a regular TDMA or CDMA service phone.
Posted: 2003-01-25 13:55:00
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amagab Posts: > 500

Check eBay!!
Posted: 2003-01-25 14:12:00
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kennedyijeh Posts: 3

IM confused with this whole unlocked and locked phone thing. So you mean that if its unlocked then i can use it with any service? So do I tell them that its unlocked or do i just put in the sim card and it just works? please someone explain it to me.
Posted: 2003-01-26 22:23:00
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brooks_fletcher Posts: 75

i have one for cingular with a mca-20 and home charger two weeks old for $220 o.b.o

P.M. me to let me know

the whole unlocked thing, if your phone supports GSM/Sim card then all yuou have to is put the card in and go, but if it is unlocked and on tdma or cdma then your have to transfer info from your provider.
Posted: 2003-02-16 09:40:00
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shawnmccall9 Posts: > 500

hold on guys, the words "GSM" "unlocked" "locked" "never locked" "SIM free" are in no way associated with or will ever be associated with "TDMA" or "CDMA". Okay, GSM phones use a SIM, subscriber identity module, card; and in fact each provider has their own SIM cards that they sell customers in order to activate the phone and provide service. In order to provide the consumer with subsidized handsetprices, GSM network providers buy them in bulk and have them "locked" so that the phone will only with that particular providers network. Therefore, they ensure that that phone will be activated in their service. If you see the words never locked or SIM free, that means that the phones come directly from the manufacturer and have never been locked to any provider. Unlocked phones have been locked previously, and are now unlocked by someone who has access to some particular equipment (another topic in itself). With unlocked or SIM free handsets, you can put any providers SIM in there are use the phone provided that your handset is capable of the bandwidth (there are 4 flavors of GSM (850, 1900 N. & S. AMerica; 900, 1800 Africa, Europe, Asia).
The above info does not apply to TDMA or CDMA phones becuase those have their own unique serial number (ESN) that is the interface for activating the phone on a particular provider...of course they have their own ways of ensuring that their handsets stay in their markets. Now, that said, S. Korea is the only place that uses CDMA phones with RUIM (Removable User interface modules) that are similar to SIM, but not the same. Nokia has said that they plan to further develop the technology and we may RUIM's in USA phones in say 5 years.
Posted: 2003-02-16 16:11:00
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brooks_fletcher Posts: 75

we know that man whats you point
my phone is locked by cingular, and wil always be because i dont want to get it un lockeded it is not good for the phone. i was not tryna blow this guys mind away with all the info you gave him

you might scare him
Posted: 2003-02-16 20:39:00
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