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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Android : Memory Card Problem
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superleeds27 Posts: > 500


Had the phone literally an hour, rebooted it, and saw memory card icon in top left. Said it needed formatting, as it was blank, or had an unsupported file system.

I went into the settings and tried to do a format, nothing happened.

Turned the phone off, emoved the memory card and re-inserted it, Now its tellin me that there isn't a memory card in the slot?

Any ideas?
Posted: 2010-06-18 14:48:16
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superleeds27 Posts: > 500

Have tested another Sd card in the phone and that works fine. So the one supplied with the phone is buggered!
Posted: 2010-06-18 15:10:09
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iamstevie Posts: 101

Least SE are really good on their warranty so they'll replace it! THough if you only had it a day, shop would do that too!

Is it the mini you bought?? Enjoy!
Posted: 2010-06-18 15:32:19
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superleeds27 Posts: > 500

Nope, bought the proper X10.

Well the memory card i tried from another phone, worked fine, i then placed the original 8GB back in my x10 and it worked fine.

Restarted the phone, and its now showing SD CArd removed again?

Wtf is the problem!!!!!
Posted: 2010-06-18 15:40:58
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