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laffen Posts: > 500

The Android developers at Google has made a video showing the growth of Android activations
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The launch of Motorola Droid had a huge impact of the number of activated Android devices. Google has made a video clip where the number of activated handsets are shown visually over time. The tour starts in October 2008 and ends in January 2011. The most prominent activation day was when the Motorola Droid became available in the US on Verizon on Novemer 6h 2009. Motorola run a iDon't commercial before the Droid announcement trashing the iPhone and it's lack of copy-and-paste, MMS, multitaskting etc.ActivatedAndroiddevicesBefore the Droid was in stores, a number of other well known handsets were available, such as the Google's G1 made by HTC and the first Samsung Galaxy i7500 but none of these had the same impact on activations as the as the Motorola Droid.View the video to see the full tour
[ This Message was edited by: laffen on 2011-02-24 12:52 ]

Posted: 2011-02-24 13:19:36
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tranced Posts: > 500

This is a very interesting video. Can't believe the impact the Droid had. Wondering why they didn't take the X10 in consideration
Posted: 2011-02-24 13:29:38
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whentheleveebreaks Posts: 390

because the x10 was pap
Posted: 2011-02-25 10:58:22
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jj03 Posts: > 500

Wasn't pap, it just got lost in translation and transition...
Posted: 2011-02-27 22:18:00
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korbindallis Posts: > 500

the x10 is in the mix somewhere
Posted: 2011-02-28 12:44:37
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S4k1s Posts: > 500

The x10 started selling in Japat on april 1st.
At 0:40 you can see the impact on activations it had in Japan.
Posted: 2011-02-28 14:29:55
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