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HSPA Posts: 0

Greeting's Elites, Noobs, Hackers, Crackers, and Last but not Least.

The Following networks have been hacked.

-Cell C

This is affirmative as 25/03/2011.

as you all know (those of you who were here before) might have seen my last post regarding totally direct unrestricted Free access via VodaCom, and many many many messages has filled up my inbox asking the Million Dollar Question, "How oh How is this Possible?"

The Answer?

A New Development.
You could say it's a new "protocol"

However this protocol will only run on a high end PC.

Minimum System Requirements:

Windows 7 Ultimate Compatible PC
64bit CPU
8GB Ram
1TB HD Space
ZTE MF668 3.75G USB Modem

assuming you have the above requirements?
you will then need to download the OS that I've Intergrated Multiple Network Modifications on.

Please take note - Default firmware will be overwriten on your USB Speed Stick with new configurations to automatically connect to the "New Protocol" I've Developed.

meeting the requirements above kindly forward me your email address only where you will get the Custom Build Of Windows that I have Modified.

and Please, No chancers, if you Install My OS with out the Minimum Requirements You're gonna up frying your CPU, Mainboard, and anything connected to your Ports.

Posted: 2011-03-26 10:59:09
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sitnet Posts: 325

You are really one of the dumbest idiots I have ever come across.

In the first place, anybody that believes that a "high spec" pc is needed to use a certain protocol is a complete idiot. In the second place, no bloody software or OS can "fry" your pc (even my bloody grandmother will tell you this).

I can already take a bet that you are going to ask money for this, and if anyone actually pays you, they are nearly as stupid as you.

So please, go and play games or something and stop trying commit fraud here.
Posted: 2011-03-26 11:06:30
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Perseus Posts: 1

On 2011-03-26 11:06:30, sitnet wrote:
You are really one of the dumbest idiots I have ever come across.

In the first place, anybody that believes that a "high spec" pc is needed to use a certain protocol is a complete idiot. In the second place, no bloody software or OS can "fry" your pc (even my bloody grandmother will tell you this).

I can already take a bet that you are going to ask money for this, and if anyone actually pays you, they are nearly as stupid as you.

So please, go and play games or something and stop trying commit fraud here.

Lol:D - This aught to be good. (awaits link in excitement)
I've Sent HSPA my email.
Like to see His/Her "Development".

Theorectically - Its sounds possible? It's Like creating a mini gateway on your actual PC which would connect and bounce traffic rerouting it through multiple towers (I'm guessing thats what the 64bit CPU and 8GB Ram is for) Those requirements are for Server PC's going upto 32GB's of Ram.

Software can Damage Hardware thats a proven Fact - once the eeprom is corrupted its almost impossible to repair. (Dealth with alot of "Dead" Phones)

AnyHoooo got nothing to lose here Sitnet, Either HSPA is the Next Einstien or... Someone that wants to scheme...
So no use rediculing his/hers post.
Posted: 2011-03-26 11:26:42
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NoobLeecher Posts: -1

Sounds interesting. Its a pity I wouldn't dream of having those specs on my PC.
Posted: 2011-03-26 11:35:18
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Perseus Posts: 1

Lol - manchief what specs do you currently have?
Posted: 2011-03-26 11:45:54
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NoobLeecher Posts: -1

@Perseus, 500g HD Space, 2gig ram and 2.8ghz cpu. lol. and how about you man?
Posted: 2011-03-26 11:58:06
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touns_J Posts: 24

This is why i love esato cos of that kind of bullshit..
@sitnet... i 100% agree with you
@perseus i am amaze...i mean how can you even think what he said he's possible..maybe you're desperate (lol i am messing with you man) but seriously what he said is just bullshit.let me give you just 3 points..(i could give more but don't wanna waste my energy
first one does not need a 64 bits CPU to run a server (so your supposition about a potential home made server is wrong)
second like sitnet said an internet protocol (how innovative it is) does not rely of hardware like cpu or ram or even Os
third @ a software can't fry a hardware least not on windows just cos of the (HAL =hardware abstraction layer that actually prevent the OS from running code or micro code that can damage the hardware if there is an error during the running process and windows 7 can't run certain type of code without the HAL (they did it that way for security measure) , i am not sure about windows xp a software may disable a hardware component or damage in the way one will need to start from scratch( re-install the OS) to make it work again but not fry it
i almost forgot.. @perseus you're right about cellphones and eeprom but we are talking computers here so...
[ This Message was edited by: touns_J on 2011-03-26 11:22 ]

Posted: 2011-03-26 12:03:22
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voodowizzard Posts: 125

Its gona be epic hehehehehe.
Posted: 2011-03-26 12:13:00
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Perseus Posts: 1

2Tb Hd, 8GB Ram, i7 CPU @ 2.97Ghz, Gigabyte Radeon HD 5750 1 GB Graphics Card - PCI Express (yeah I Like to game...)

I was Just bored so amusing myself with Mr or Miss or Mrs or Maybe he's a shemale? well what ever creature It is LOL - I know the reason for such a ludacris post

So no need to explain @ Toun_J

Posted: 2011-03-26 12:22:26
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touns_J Posts: 24

lol that was really a ludachis post lol...
Posted: 2011-03-26 12:24:31
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