General discussions : Non mobile discussion : Tranced and Ofiaich's made up word thread !
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> Tranced and Ofiaich's made up word thread !
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Hi everyone!!
I am sure one of the moderators will move this to the garbage thread soon !
Please tell us your made up words and. if it is not obvious, how they were made up and how to use them.
Reason for this thread is simple! Blame it on Tranced! He said I was an Irish man living in the UK so
So you're an UK'd Irish.
So I said when I am in Japan, and am I a Japan'd Irish or a Nippon'd Irish?
When I get my Japanese language wrong, I call it Reimongosakuretsu. Reimon is a Japanese way of writing my name, and 'go' is language. Sakuretsu is 'an explosion' so
レイモン Reimon 語 go 炸裂 sakuretsu is
'An explosion of Reimon's language'
You get the idea
Please post naughty made up words after the 9.00pm watershed!
[ This Message was edited by: ofiaich on 2011-06-18 23:57 ]
Posted: 2011-06-13 15:22:05
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So you did it!!!!
I don't know where to start now. That word was a PM'd invented term!
Posted: 2011-06-13 15:28:22
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Tranced your lucky it wasn't PMSL
[ This Message was edited by: Miss UK on 2012-01-17 22:46 ]
Posted: 2012-01-17 03:23:38
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Me what?
Posted: 2012-01-17 03:57:24
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This: ■ What is PMSL?
One of the definitions of PMSL is "Piss my self laughing".
Posted: 2012-01-17 23:46:06
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I'm a UK'd Irish too without the accent
I have a word for people I call stupid. I call them a DUFUS
it is pronounced DOOFUS
[ This Message was edited by: Bonovox on 2012-01-17 23:16 ]
Posted: 2012-01-17 23:54:27
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Mind you that I thought it had a serious meaning
Posted: 2012-01-17 23:54:00
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I got loads of made up words need to think
Posted: 2012-01-18 00:16:00
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