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laffen Posts: > 500

The new floating touch display technology introduced by Sony with the Xperia Solo is a new step in user interaction with smartphone displays


Esato News

Posted: 2012-03-15 03:44:33
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chunkybeats Posts: 497

This is very exciting technology! Good work Sony! This will be very handy if your hands are dirty and you need to use your phone quickly!

Please develop more for this tech!!
Posted: 2012-03-15 04:31:18
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OffLineR Posts: > 500

At last we see Sony with innovations
Posted: 2012-03-15 09:18:08
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darrenj1 Posts: 68

I figured out the use of this, when you are viewing webpages, and the links are very close together, you can move the finger over the links and they will highlight, before you press the screen, ensuring you get the right link.
Posted: 2012-03-15 11:57:22
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tranced Posts: > 500

And without patent infringement.

On 2012-03-15 09:18:08, OffLineR wrote:
At last we see Sony with innovations

It's just a matter of time when we will start seeing apps taking advantage of this function. Just like the NFC.
Posted: 2012-03-15 13:16:06
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etaab Posts: > 500

Its just a shame they didnt stick it in their flagship device..
Posted: 2012-03-15 18:25:54
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tranced Posts: > 500

Maybe they will. They're just testing with this one.
Posted: 2012-03-15 18:28:23
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goldenface Posts: > 500

I'm wondering if they will expand this functionality to other parts of the UI. It's quite clever.
Posted: 2012-03-15 19:09:53
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