General discussions : Non mobile discussion : Australian Facebook cash image leads to robbery
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> Australian Facebook cash image leads to robbery
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Two robbers have paid a visit to a house in south-eastern Australia, hours after a teenager posted a photo on Facebook of a large sum of cash.
The masked men, armed with a knife and a club, struck the home of the 17-year-old girl's mother in the country town of Bundanoon on Thursday, police say.
Her mother told the men her daughter no longer lived there.
It is not clear how the robbers found the family address. The Facebook image was at the grandmother's Sydney house.
The men searched the house and took a small amount of cash and a small number of personal objects before leaving.
No-one was injured.
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Posted: 2012-05-28 15:09:04
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Always think first before you post anything. Remember that the whole world is watching.
Posted: 2012-05-28 17:31:00
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Oh dear me :-/
Posted: 2012-05-28 17:56:00
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And people ask me why I don't give my real name or put a real pic of me in the networks.
Posted: 2012-05-28 18:56:21
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Well,I don't use FB much.I don't have to care for robbers
Posted: 2012-05-28 19:22:31
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How did they get the address? That's the one million dollars question.
Posted: 2012-05-28 20:02:53
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You do have the option of your address on FB but I don't
Posted: 2012-05-28 22:22:00
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On 2012-05-28 20:02:53, tranced wrote:
How did they get the address? That's the one million dollars question.
There are several ways, probably most used is social engineering: people are active on several sites and post on one site i.e,, where they work or go to school, maybe a picture of their car in front of their house on another and when they're going on vacation on a third site.
Posting work or school indicates the area, somebody living in the same town might recognise the street in the picture, most people have their picture in their profile, so a burglar watches the street a few hours, to find out, in which house the person lives, then add the vacation date and there you are

, a "modern" burglar knows exactly where and when to "visit" your house.
Geotagging makes this even easier, most newer phones have this function, a lot of people forget to delete this info from the picture before uploading it to FaceBook etc. and when they then upload a photo, made in or around their house or garden, everybody can find out their address.
In this Australian case, the picture apparently wasn't taken in the mother's house, so they probably didn't use geotagging here. Or they got the location of the mother's house from another pic.
Posted: 2012-05-29 00:43:56
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How can people be so stupid? I shout out some places I'm in, but no one will recognize me. I mean, I don't have my face all over the net as I stated before.
She maybe used foursquare though.
Posted: 2012-05-29 14:14:07
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Yes, a lot of people are using the internet, social media, smartphones without realising the consequences of giving away too much personal info. This helps not only burglars and robbers, but stalkers, pedo's and other creeps aswell.
I've also never uploaded a pic of myself, my hubby, friends, or house to any of the forums and sites in which I'm active.
Posted: 2012-05-29 17:17:00
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