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mange69 Posts: 366

Does anybody know if Xperia Smart tags are compatible with other NFC phones like SGS3?

[ This Message was edited by: laffen on 2012-06-27 15:12 ]

Posted: 2012-06-27 12:30:57
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mange69 Posts: 366

Now I've tried the tags and it works like a charm. It came with 4 tags to program as you want. Just download the LiveWare app from Sony and activate NFC. I can really recommend it. Smooth!

Put one by the bed, one in you car, one by the door at home and one "other". Maybe work?
Then just hover the phone above the tag to activate the settings.

Examples of settings to be made are:
Bluetooth on/off
WiFi on/off
Sound adjustments
Program start-up
Data trafic on/off
Send SMS
Play songs
Text to speech
Change background
Connect via BT
WiFi Accesspoint
Open URL

more will probably come

One thing I miss is GPS on/off

[ This Message was edited by: mange69 on 2012-07-04 08:58 ]

Posted: 2012-07-04 09:57:33
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goldenface Posts: > 500


I read somewhere that they would work even better if they changed the settings back when the same SmartTag was touched again.

e.g. After you leave the car you have to change the settings back manually but it would be great to swipe the tag in the car a second time to change back to the phone's default settings.

I hope Sony releases an update to enable this extra functionality.
[ This Message was edited by: goldenface on 2012-07-04 09:55 ]

Posted: 2012-07-04 10:53:00
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mange69 Posts: 366

I agree with you. It should switch between new settings and previous or a default settings with every blip. In the settings menu you have for example WiFi on/off and "switch" (I don't know which english word that is used since mine is in swedish). I have not tried that, but then it will probably switch between on/off with every blip. That function is also available for BT and data.

My way of solving it right now is by using the white one as a "normal" setting tag. So when I go out of the car I blip the phone to my wallet.

A widget could also work, but then you would loose the meaning with the gadget
[ This Message was edited by: mange69 on 2012-07-04 11:20 ]

Posted: 2012-07-04 12:10:33
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