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> Crackling Noise on Landline?
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I have a Cordless BT Verve phone but recently im noticing when I use it
its got a horrible crackling noise when im talking to someone ..
I have looked at the Virgin Site and used the Checker and it says my Area is good signal
anyone have any ideas? ive even bought some new Batterys for it just now online as those seemed
to be getting abit poor
has anyone experienced this? advice please Thankyou
Posted: 2012-11-03 23:12:44
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Best thing to do is to borrow another phone (not a cordless) and try it again. If it is still crackley then it is probably a problem with the socket or line.
Posted: 2012-11-06 12:16:37
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Yeah, or try the phone in another socket if you have one. and if it is clear then it is a problem with the socket.
Posted: 2012-11-06 13:50:15
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My dad is with Virgin Media and it's always clear as a bell. I guess a wire somewhere maybe loose.
Posted: 2012-11-06 14:09:00
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The FED's are spying on you
Posted: 2012-11-06 16:41:35
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It's aliens
Posted: 2012-11-06 16:56:07
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Im beginning to think it maybe the actual socket ive replaced the batterys in my BT verve(s)
they seem improved but theres still a slight crackle there!
my other phone used to do it aswell which again was another BT cordless phone,
I will arrange a engineer to come out over the next few days Virgin Media's facebook crew have been
on my case telling to arrange a engineer visit and now won't shut up till I do
Thanks everyone
Posted: 2012-11-07 23:40:56
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