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> Bypass telephone code on ancient T630?
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Hi guys!
I just cleaned my storage and found this ancient phone that I used >10 years ago. The charger (old Type A; this was before the age of FastPort) was in the same bag and the battery actually took charge. However, I got stuck on startup due to telephone code dialog box. I have always been keen on security so there's no chance of default "0000" / "12345" here. I did put something there, but I can't remember what my mind was like, a decade ago. Digging up some old threads on this forum, I understand that there is software to get by this user code. The question is, what's my simplest solution? I'm scanning eBay for a cheap USB (or COM) cable, but I don't know what to look for. Most cables are FastPort ones, and those will obviously not work with this phone. I
think that I must order a cabled called DCU-11. Can someone verify this? Also, could some tech guru around here tell me about some matching (and hopefully free) software to use with this cable to retrieve the lost password? Much thankful!
Posted: 2015-11-23 10:22:26
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You could try the DSS-25 sync station and software, i was able to unlock a T39 and clear codes
Posted: 2016-01-11 14:49:14
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