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> Technical limitations of the T68i
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Does anyone have any insight as to the technical limitations of of the T68i? Specifically, with respect to hardware (chip) upgrades / changes. i.e. Is there any opportunity for easy (i.e. do it yourself) hardware upgrades to change (=increase) either the amount of RAM or the screen color capabilities?
I could probably disassemble my T68i to find some of these answers, but I'd prefer to not do that. I prefer to keep it a pristine device.
My thinking is that there will obviously be [read: are] faster, smaller, more capable chips to put inside these phones in the near future so it would make some sense to make them hardware (chip) upgradeable.
Then again, this may be self-defeating with respect to the whole manufacturing process. I don't know. So I ask.
In short: In eutopia, I'd like to physically change the screen and an internal chip in my T68i and move from 256 to 16M colors.
Thanks for any insight.
Posted: 2003-02-26 20:42:00
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No you cant.
Posted: 2003-02-27 11:54:00
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gadgetboytom Posts: > 500
if you could it would put
out of business
and there would be no new phones again
Posted: 2003-02-27 12:09:00
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How so?
I would think something that flexible and upward compatatble would increase sales, not decrease.
This is the age of modularity and portability. Where do you draw the line between devices that are essentially "throwaway" and those that you hang onto and upgrade? After all, the firmware is already upgradable, and the physcial 101x80 pixel screen is replaceable by anyone who has the interest to buy a new one from ebay.
I forcast this kind of internal re-usability will be here within the next few years.
Did you open your phone and see? Or did you assume that it can't be done because no one else ever made mention of it...
Of course I don't plan on taking a soldering gun to my phone, I just think it would be good to see this kind of progress.
[ This Message was edited by: liebniz on 2003-02-27 15:01 ]
Posted: 2003-02-27 15:57:00
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there re phones which you can do that on, they are the new brand od nokia, the really expensive onse, each phone costas around $10000 cos the casing is custome made of of silver, gold dimons etc, you can have the parts upgraded on it, like the screen memory etc
Posted: 2003-02-27 22:42:00
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Uh huh.
Well, think what you want. I'm just speculating. If you are physically part of the manufacturing process and have sound reasons why this is so far-fetched, then I'm all ears.
Posted: 2003-02-27 23:12:00
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