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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Wanted 2 P800s US
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fadywwf316 Posts: 44

Hi fellas, I was looking for 2 P800s in the US area. My best offer right now is $1160 shipped, anyone got any other offers? Thanks. By the way, I will not pay through Western Union under any circumstances, most likely through Paypal, and remember, before you click send on that email scammers, over $500 of stolen money equals grand larceny, so please, only legitimate offers.
Posted: 2003-03-02 21:34:00
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fijbert Posts: > 500

1160$ for 2?!?!!?
I'll buy some off of that guy!!!
Posted: 2003-03-02 21:52:00
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fadywwf316 Posts: 44

well he accepts paypal and said when his new shipment comes in on wednesday, he will take pictures with his name in them so he can prove to me he has them, i dont know whether or not to trust him or not, but it is an unbelievable deal, thats what scares me.
Posted: 2003-03-02 22:00:00
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fijbert Posts: > 500

the cheapest I've ever seen the P800 go for (legally) is 650$USD..
1150 he is loosing money...
the cheapest I've ever heard for the P800 is 600$USD..

and he still loosing money..
it's definetely a "fell off the truck" version of the phone if u catch my drift
Posted: 2003-03-02 22:31:00
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fadywwf316 Posts: 44

well see when they come out at $650 they will be cheaper on ebay and such, thats where he found me from. Any store that sels them for 650 and such must have places to get them cheap so they can make a profit, but anyway, who knows, i will wait to see if he can even prove he has them.

[ This Message was edited by: fadywwf316 on 2003-03-02 21:35 ]
Posted: 2003-03-02 22:32:00
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fadywwf316 Posts: 44

Well Wednesday is here and I still didn't get an e-mail from him proving he has them, he said he would send it today, so it's probably a scam, but I see on they started shipping to the US, so that means I'll be able to get them myself for under $600 very soon.
Posted: 2003-03-05 23:31:00
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