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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Want to Swap!!
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Anyone want to swap there P800 with computer stuff worth £800!!
Posted: 2003-03-27 20:14:00
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mrj82 Posts: 256

umm No
Posted: 2003-03-27 21:13:00
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Eamonn Posts: > 500

what kind of computer stuff?
Posted: 2003-03-27 22:28:00
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pachy Posts: > 500

If its worth £800, then go & quickly sell it for that, keep £100 for yourself & i will accept the £700 you have left for my P800
Posted: 2003-03-27 23:21:00
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Its a canon Aps and 35mm film scanner worth £450+.....and also got a dreamcast with extras plus a Playstation 1.Altogther worth about £800 like i said but will do a straight swap for a P800!!.
Posted: 2003-03-28 02:45:00
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