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General discussions : Garbage threads : Extra! Extra! I didn't get my T68 updated to mms today
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Esato Forum Index > General discussions > Garbage threads > Extra! Extra! I didn't get my T68 updated to mms today Bookmark topic
Yellow-Hollow Posts: 237

If you are joking I'm comming to you with a hammer and use your t68 as a nail.

Where are you from? What version number? Tell me everything new.

Tell me everyting you know about release in other countries.
Posted: 2002-03-08 22:13:00
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luwi Posts: > 500

What is the SW version? Can you give us the complete details? Where are you from?

Posted: 2002-03-08 22:28:00
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Fingers Posts: 468

Read the title a little closer you two
Posted: 2002-03-08 22:35:00
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mrNoodles Posts: > 500

As the topics says "Extra! Extra! I didn't get my T68 updated to mms today" so...

A little bit tired are we?
Posted: 2002-03-08 22:35:00
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gomichaelkgo Posts: 183

The title changed mysteriously from "I just got my T68 upgraded with MMS 15 minutes ago" to the current topic. Also, the original post in which the user stated that they would give proof was deleted.

Is a moderator doing something here?!
Posted: 2002-03-08 22:38:00
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Fingers Posts: 468

Yeah I noticed that too, must be
Posted: 2002-03-08 22:45:00
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tranquil Posts: > 500

Hey!!! What is going on here? Last time I checked the upgrade had happened, now all of a sudden it hasn't??? This post was posted from a T68
Posted: 2002-03-08 23:30:00
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tranquil Posts: > 500

Hey!!! What is going on here? Last time I checked the upgrade had happened, now all of a sudden it hasn't??? Something is seriously wrong here! This post was posted from a T68
Posted: 2002-03-08 23:39:00
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Powa Posts: 120

damn i'm sure that i saw he DID got the upgrade, and how come his post got deleted but not the whole topic???
Posted: 2002-03-08 23:45:00
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Yellow-Hollow Posts: 237

Yes. He said he got it upgrade, for sure. Childish..
Posted: 2002-03-09 02:39:00
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