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Market : Mobile phones wanted : (PH) Looking for T310
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jplacson Posts: > 500

Hi! I'm looking for a place to buy the SE T310...does anyone know a place? Or when it will be available?

I also heard that SE moved the 'space' to the '#' button???!!?!? If it is true... Why the H377 did they do that?!?!?! 's SMS functionality has always been bad... I've never used any other phone buy Ericsson/se... but even I have to say, the menu structure is horrible.. what kind of SW morons do they have over there? Hardware engineers are excellent. But software?!?!? Good grief, who puts the period as the 6th selection?!?! It's the most common punctuation, and it's 6th!?!?!?! ... the dash '-' is second after the 'space'!!! Where's the logic in that?!?!?!
Posted: 2003-05-01 07:42:00
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crowing Posts: 475

quickcomm at southmall is going to sell them, pero they still dont have a release date.

Posted: 2003-05-01 07:51:00
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adrktemplar Posts: 54

Yup. Got a T300 two weeks ago and noticed that space was moved to the # key. It's not that hard to adjust but I don't see the point. Key mappings should be standard all throughout other (SE) models IMHO.
Posted: 2003-05-01 09:02:00
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audioslave Posts: 42

yea thats 1 of d little things i hate about the t68 This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2003-05-01 10:30:00
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