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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Searching for...
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Crazyboy2000 Posts: 17

Well, I'm searching for a phone with a camera. I can give only 150 Euros ( round about 100 Pounds).

he phone can be locked or not.

I will prefer an offer for Nokia or Ericsson T68i or Ericsson P800 to another offer.

PM me if you can.
Posted: 2003-05-03 21:52:00
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Eamonn Posts: > 500

What's your location?
Posted: 2003-05-04 15:07:00
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Jim Posts: > 500

I doubt that you will get a offer for the P800 at 150 € If you find it for 150€ buy a whole truck
Posted: 2003-05-04 15:54:00
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Crazyboy2000 Posts: 17

My location: Belgium
Posted: 2003-05-05 00:07:00
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