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Sony Ericsson / Sony : GPRS, WAP, MMS and Email setup : Vodafone + Yahoo or Talk21. Help please!
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Eric's Son Posts: 261

Hi I am on UK Vodafone and have successfully got my POP3 email working through Vizzavi, I can send and receice mails OK. I am trying to access and send from my Yahoo-mail and my mail also without any success. I can receive mails Ok but as soon as I send I get 'messege not sent'.....why? Has anyone got either of these to work that is on Vodafone please? what are the settings please? I have tried all the setings on previous posts like using Vodafone's SMTP and the email providers SMTP but still to no avail.... please share your settings!

[ This Message was edited by: Eric's Son on 2002-03-13 23:17 ]
Posted: 2002-03-13 23:16:00
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kolhatkar Posts: 45

Have you tried the SE pop3 configurator?

Else - recheck your settings, especially the outgoing mail server which should read:
Posted: 2002-03-13 23:32:00
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Eric's Son Posts: 261

Have you had working on Vodafone?

Does anyone know the actual IP numbers for the servers please?

[ This Message was edited by: Eric's Son on 2002-03-13 23:42 ]
Posted: 2002-03-13 23:36:00
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wolfiemac Posts: 19

Edit your yahoo settings in smtp put your vizzavi smtp info This post was posted from a T68
Posted: 2002-03-13 23:45:00
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